TY again! Wow so inexpensive. I always bought kits so i dont h ave to figure out the tank part lol. What tank do you use?
ah i see they are in china, I guess thats why its inexpensive ;p
We use steam crave supreme v2. One of the best tanks imo, lots of people on here swear by them.
you rock ty! Now last stupid question… can i buy coils for this or i have to build? I so do not see myself ever building these
@Lexie3 Funny you should say that. I know I USED to say that, and perhaps @Cutlass92 and @Molly_Mcghee USED to say that as well. You CAN buy premade coils, but WOW, you would be very surprised how NOT hard making coils are. You don’t HAVE To make the multi-strand, fancy schmancy, hi-tech, uber complex coils, you can vape ALL day and night on a simple, single wire coil. I do !!!
Oh look, here’s a thread building ON a Steam Crave RDTA v2. how convenient !!!
So my vape mail came in yesterday.
I only had to drive 580 miles to get the thing. TOTALLY WORTH IT!!! I got to meet the man, the myth, the legend @Whiterose0818. Damn nice motherfucker. It was a ton of fun.
@Skullblade789, Wait a minute, WHAATTTT !!! ??? You made a HOUSECALL and picked up a smokin’ new MOD !! ???
Yeah. My wife has family in Louisville.
We call our doggie Fizzy.
Awe, you are very welcome! I am so glad that you like them! And I am so looking forward to what you will do with the recipes now that they are in your hands! You are so good at this type of stuff!
Nice!! I’d totally drink outta that. Lol
I so love tervis! Very nice
Very nice brother
This thing is HUGE and has a widebore driptip, luckily I have the griffin adapter that allows me to use normal 510’s, I’ll probably run a single coil when the adapter comes
I got vape mail for my birthday!!! Technically, my birthday isn’t until January 10th, but @Cutlass92 said he couldn’t keep it a secret any longer!!!
It’s my first Whiterose custom mod!

And I love it so much! Its a DNA 250! It tastes like heaven AND check out the sparkly factor! So, thanks to @Whiterose0818 for making it and thanks to the best hubby in the world for making this birthday more awesome than Christmas for once in my life!