How did you do that!? No wait don’t tell me! I’m in a bit of a mood tonight so it’s probably better I don’t know.
Lol… Not likely to happen.
But I’d settle for a WTF or /facepalm icon!
You really don’t need to order anything do you!? Stuff just keeps showing up!
Order me what yeah i thing vape stores just automaticly withdraw money and ship stuff to me.
Bout to try this one out. I’ve been hearing its better than (HS) RY4 hmmmm IDK
Bout that one! Smells amazing tho!!!
and i need the last 6 orders.
200 x15ml cubby bottles.
50 x 60ml cubby bottles.
3x gbox kits
my Hotcig Rsq
and my last 2 Vandy vape rda´s then im good for a few i think ohh battery´s waiting for batterys also haha
I think I might have gone a bit overboard at a flavour sale.
26 flavours and not a single one is a reorder or a flavour I have tried before
I foresee a lot of SFT and recipe experimenting in my near future
Also 2 clones and some misc. from china.
You must have a goose that lays golden eggs.
Ribs? o0
Wonder if they’re beef or pork?
Hey @Bob_Bitchen! Have you seen the “Beetlejuice” Ribs before?
He he, sorry to disappoint you, but it is just redcurrent
You are probably right, and I’m not complaining that I have too many flavours, on the contrary, I absolutely needed more flavours
But I prefer to expand my flavour collection at a slower pace, so I have time to properly test the flavours and work them into recipes. I’m afraid I might get a bit overwhelmed here.
Not a bad idea.
hmm this would require restraint! Something we kicked to the side when we fell into the rabbit hole. I am on FT 61 out off 300 rofl . The good news is that 61 more than last week
Take a break and dont rush, my life motto hehe . Im playing with flavors based on reviews and slowly testing mine to get to know them myself. I guess its working because Im having fun
Today this arrived. Forgot I pre ordered this about 2 months ago…not sure what was my reasoning back then
Cool analog face? Who needs a reason?!?