Vape Mail 2022

All the best with your recipe mate.


“it keeps aging as well as Jennifer Aniston”

That’s good @fidalgo_vapes
I’m gonna use that one!


Why 3 10mls of Cap milkshake?
Is it cuz 30ml you open all the time will degrade quicker? Or cuz that was all they had? I bought a 30ml but i never thought to get a few 10 ml bottles then i wouldn’t have to worry about air/temp just use a 10ml at a time.


No its either 10ml,100ml,500ml or 1litre from vapable


Oic! I actually thought about it and it would be more expensive to buy 3 10mls than 1 30ml but now you’ve explained it , it makes sense. You have to be sure of something and have good use for 100ml bottle of anything. I guess if you’re a chef. I had no idea about food flavors before vaping. I only discoverd less than 2 years ago.


Our governments need to give vaping more credit. There would be alot more ppl alive for them to make money off if they weren’t so brainwashed into believing it was so bad.
My mom and dad would still be alive today if they vaped. I tried everything to quit smoking and nothing ever worked n if it did it never stuck. BOTH died from lung related problems from smoking cigarettes. My dad’s lungs collapsed right in front of me from emphysema then 6 years later my mom passed away from stage 4 C.O.P.D she died over 16 mts. I’m not bringing religion up for any reason but were not a religious family so they were both. Very afraid when they died. Sometimes it may be easier to think theres more after life then black idk. Not fair. I was robbed of my family way too soon.


Sorry to hear. Only thing i buy in 100ml is custard v1 because i use a ton of it


Same! I’ve wasted alot of it! Just recently can I honestly say i have been making good vape able liquids. I’ve made a few good recipes any of the ones I’ve posted I’ve tested over and over but it wasn’t until just recently i can say I’ve made decent ejuice.


Like you i wasted money on too much. So i had too many things to play with. I wish i started small with some and got the hang of it. My first was @NotCharlesManson pebbles recipe and a few others. Had 30 different concentrates after the first month the pebbles was not good to me i mixed it again same result. So i said screw this and bought more to make my own. By month 6th i started making good juice and wasted money on concentrates that id never used. I should have just started slowly with a few and got the hang of it. I never mix testers above 30ml. And thats because i vape it no matter what. I never mix 100 till i know its good. I start with 10ml and work my way up now so i never waste anything.


My goal is to obtain every flavor concentrate know to man apparently… I would like to thank @SessionDrummer for this. It’s all his fault- and maybe a little @Ken_O_Where too. :innocent:


I agree with you. And so sorry to hear about your parents. My mom had both breast cancer (two mastectomies in 3 years) and lung cancer. My dad had a lung removed because of cancer. Vaping was not an option in the 60’s and 70’s. I am so very grateful to have found vaping. The only thing that would have been better is if I never started smoking…but I can’t change the past, I have to learn to roll with the present.


Sometimes I get a HELLA lotta vape mail, and I can’t publish all of it. Some purchased, some free, and a lot from YOU guys. I’m always very thankful, and it’s always more exciting when it comes from a fellow vaper. @Pastorfuzz and I had been talking about some cotton, and he said he’d ship some out. Then he messaged and said he was tossing in something extra, for all my SFT work.

Well …

But then there was …

But THEN, and how in the hell did he know I coveted this ??? !!! …

Well ever since @fidalgo_vapes turned me onto it, and I picked up a few, they have been my daily driver(s)…

Thanks very much @Pastorfuzz. At some level I WAS happy to see there was NO cleaver in there. :slight_smile:


That got there quick.
I wouldn’t send a cleaver. You can still get those.
A brand new Charon you can not get.
I saw the black one you have, all beat up and shit so here you go.
It’s for the hard work you do. I appreciate it.


Well I’ve been LOOKING for them. How in the hell … ??

I truly appreciate that @Pastorfuzz. Thank you.


I bought a half dozen years ago.
I’m still on my 1st one and it still looks brand new . Using the silicone sleeve on it helps.


Where did you find the Charon and hiw much ?? I have 1 unopened but its Black with gold trim


Damn it…Thougt @SessionDrummer found us a gold mine



Hehe @Pastorfuzz I ripped into the box like it was Christmas morning, without fully Scooby Doo’ing it yet !!!



Same, only mine is gold. I have quite a few mods that don’t see the light of day. I can’t justify beating up more of them when I have a fleet that’s already seen lots of action. I got some other C- frame mods from Voppo called Alpha One. They look kind of like a 1980’s VCR machine but I never got around to using any of those either.