Vape Method (Sub Ohm or Plus Ohms)

You guys have to understand what sub-ohm is doing. When going sub-ohm, you are chasing a ‘full cloud’ effect. Your lungs definitely feel the difference when vaping on 1Ω compared to something in the range of 0.2-0.6Ω. What I mean when I say they ‘feel’ the difference is that you are literally pushing more vapor into your lungs. With that said, sub-ohm vapers don’t do mouth to lung inhales, it’s a direct lung inhale.

From my past experiences, coming from a avid tank vaper and going to a sub-ohm vape. I realized that I thoroughly enjoyed having a dense vape go into my lungs. It does take a good day or two of consistent sub-ohm vaping for one to experience and possibly enjoy this effect. The tanks with mouth to lung inhales were not giving me the vape I was looking for. Literally, the point of sub-ohm is to create a denser, cloudier vape. When you think about it, it makes sense. And when you think about why your lungs would resist such an amount of vapor coming from a mouth to lung to a direct lung inhale, makes even more sense. This is the same reason some people prefer to have more percentage of flavoring in their juices compared to someone else who enjoys the same flavor but at 15% instead of 25%.

That fullness that I achieve from sub-ohm vapes is incomparable from something I would receive from a tank system.

Think about this for a second. The more vapor one inhales, means that person is also inhaling more nic, pg, vg, and flavoring. We all know that pg can cause irritation to the lungs/airway for some people. The flavoring’s can also have diktones in them which are also labeled as lung irritants. So when you add all the extra vapor one is getting from sub-ohm, I can see why it would irritate some people that do not sub-ohm on a daily basis.

Example, I have this bakery recipe that is by all means my favorite recipe in the entire world. I mixed 60ml last time I made this juice and the first bottle went in about 2 weeks time. That was with swapping between other juices I like to vape as well. When I got on my second 30ml, I vaped the ever living shit out of it. On the 4th day of busting open the second 30ml bottle, I had about 5ml left if that, lets just say I had sucked it down compared to my first bottle. On that 4th day, I had to put my favorite recipe down, not by choice, but because my airway/lungs feeling very irritated. Again, let me point out that this is a diketone crazy juice. I also had not vaped any other flavors within those 4 days of me vaping the second 30ml.

I’ll wrap this up by saying, I have been very cautious about how much I vape that recipe now. The irritation I felt in my lungs was very unpleasing. I felt exactly as the the person above us posted about their irritated lungs. As @Amy2 said, we have cilia in our air/way that is supposed to act as a filtration system for our lungs, only let air in, and only let air out. The cilia block the unwanted particles before they settle in your lungs. When sub-ohm vaping, if your vapor becomes too hot, I firmly believe that we damage our cilia in the airway. When that damage occurs, this could also be a cause of why someones lungs could be irritated. More unwanted particles being allowed into the airway compared to a ‘non-vapers’ lungs. Mix that with continuous vaping, and one could see why it’s possible to have irritation to the lungs.

Be cautious, as sub-ohm vaping is not for everyone. Experiment at your own risk and I strongly suggest one try sub-ohm vaping first with a diketone free juice, or better yet, a unflavored complete mix. Say a 5ml sample of just nic, vg/pg and see if you even like the vape it produces before you go throwing your favorite flavor on a sub-ohm build. Also, if anyone is curious, I mix every single juice at 20pg/80vg @3mg nic. I would never suggest a high pg build on sub-ohm. That’s asking for irritation because of the amount of PG.

Hope this helps someone!


That make a lot of sense. I see your point. Sometimes after a huge, huge hit I almost feel like I’m gonna pass out. It’s like a rush. I don’t get this all the time. But I notice some of the juices are a lot more potent than others. Even with the same nic level. But I never had a lung problem though, only vapers tongue. By the way, I’m a max vg vaper.


I am new to sub ohm and about to make my first coils. Up until now its been mainly MVP, iStick 20w with various Nautilus tanks 1.8 and now a iStick 50w with a Delta ll tank. I have the rebuildable which I am going to try this week but for 2 weeks I have used the premade coils.
I am likely older than most, I think?

But I was told to leave the Delta at 30-40w, although to leave it at 30w if i coould.
Goodbye Nautilus, and hello ever other tank i coujld likely get my hands on…(almost) but a week into it, my lungs really began to feel “choked up”. I cold not stop clearing my throat which I hadnt done in over a year when I used to smoke.
I began to get the same feelings I had as a smoker.
So i moved it down to 25w. Better, a tiny bit loss in flavour but only a little.

I Vape a Canadian juice maker that I think is brilliant, Jugheads and he makes a phenominall Capt. Larrys Krunch as well as a Gen Cuntz Vanilla Custard and both I would likely kill for :smile:
But even at 25 I am still clearing my throat and still clogged up.
I may have to go down to 20w

As a former hard core smoke/ addict that smoked about 2 packs a day working at computers, i never felt any damage until i hit 45 or so. If what I am feeling today is any indication, I am not convinced that 20+ year olds arent one day going to feel the same effects that I as a smoker did and I am tending to believe that the young crowd vaping at such high temps can only get away with it now due to their age. But not sure about this yet, just wondering as I feel how I feel today sub ohm’ing.

So I am curious are there ANY others over 50 lets say that can sub ohim at higher tempatures, that were former habitual smokers, rather than someone that, lets say, picked up a ciagrette maybe once a week or so…who dont feel this clogged lung feeling that I am experiencing???

I REALLY want to know for I want to keep up with sub ohm methods but just not sure i can :frowning:

Alright, I think you kind of have the concept wrong.

The temperature you vape at is not limited by the Watts or Voltage you push through your device. The temperature is not dependent on the W/V, it is dependent on the coil you build, the size of the coil, then how many watts you push through your device. The ‘heat flux’ determines how much heat your coil is actually going to generate. On Steam Engine they have a cool function on their ‘coil wrapping’ tab that will actually tell you the heat flux of the coil you made. This is going to tell you if your going to have a cool or warm or hot vape.

I use a unregulated mech mod and dripper. I have used these setups for almost 6 months now and they are the only thing I vape. I do not vape a VV/VW mod anymore, too much tinkering. I just throw my new battery in and go to town.

Now my setup is always a 6 wrap 24gauge on a 2mm screwdriver. Comes in at 0.28Ω. Now surprisingly enough, I vape higher watts than you actually on a full battery, right at 63 watts. The heat flux on a full batter is only 39 mW/mm. This is a very very cool vape and actually stays cool all the way through my inhale and exhale which is nice imo. My point is here, don’t think that because you go from 20-50W that you are creating a hotter vaping experience. While that seems logical, there are other factors that need to be accounted for in this situation. When my battery is draining I generate an even cooler tape which tends to be quite nice.

When sub-ohm vaping, I only do lung inhales. If you try to hit it with a mouth-to-lung inhale, even I will cough on that. Sub-ohm vaping literally is shoving more vapor into your airway and creating a fuller and more profound vaping experience. It does take a few days to get used to the ‘fullness’ that the vape creates at this level. I liked that experience and that is what drew me in to continuing to sub ohm.

Hope this clears it up for you, I am 24 and not near the age you are saying, but I think this concept should be applied universally and not just to an age. If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask!

Your numbers don’t quite make sense… 39 mW/mm2 is cold. Is it a dual coil 6 wrap 24GA at 0.28Ω? Heat flux at 63W would be 248 mW/mm2 which is what around the area I like to vape at :smile:

With variable wattage mods there is no tinkering - build your coil to a specific heat flux, set your wattage and enjoy a consistent vape until the battery dies! :smiley: hehe

At least you know what I meant lol, yes dual coil. Not single, I don’t do single coil rigs. I should have stated that though.

I forgot that the heat flux is also adjustable in the area of their calculator and you’re right, it’s around 175-240 mW/mm for me which is a medium to warm vape. I don’t really trust the calculators coil wrapping though, cause at the Ω I set it tells me right around 8 wraps is 0.28Ω which is far off, it’s always a 6 wrap on 24gauge. No coil I have ever made off their coil wrapping numbers have ever come out to be true. So I stick with what I’ve wrapped before.

I just built an 8 wraps on a 3ml coil jig, 26g Kanthal, quad coil build from the Steam Engine Converter and calculated it for .3 ohms and it came out dead on .3 ohms. I’m a believer. I figure if it can be that accurate on quad build, than singles and doubles shouldn’t be an issue. I will definitely precalculate all my builds before I build for now on.


Results – how to wrap, and how it will perform

Resistance wire length106.6mmWrap count8.56— "full wraps"9(1.26 Ω)— "half wraps"9/8(1.19 Ω)Coil Ω1.2ΩHeat flux


107mW/mm²Heat capacity (each coil)44.81mJ K-1Leg loss3.8%

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Thanks for all of your answers.

A lot to think about.
The advantage the “younger” crowd has over those my age is that they often “hang out” together and discuss vaping techniques…its a part of the culture.
When 45-50’ish, most of your friends dont smoke any longer and we dont hang out in clubs, bars and are cut off completely from all others that Vape.
Its just not our lifestyle, for the most part. So we really dont have anyone to ask other than Vape store ownersm who I have learned unfortuntately not to trust, or other Vapers online but its one hell of a learning curve.
And i thought Photoshop had a curve that was too much to expect…LOL…This is worse :smile:

Added in with the idea that most, I suspect in my age group NEVER realized that one could go on line and discuss Vaping.
Hell, there was never such a group to discuss smoking cigarettes with online, or drinking, etc, so it never occurred to me to look up Vaping groups
Who knew?

So I am trying to play catch up and i think perhaps all of this might make a lot more sense once i have actually made my first coil, figured out what ohms are in relation to one ohm number to another for at this point, its just numbers without
any any reference for me to relate to.
So I cant know at this point whose right, whose wrong and if both are right, etc

So book marked this thread, saved it and will come back to this next week after I get the coild done
( got everything else, just waiting to pick up wire)

Once I am there I may ask 1-2 of you then for help with a question or two–i know id prefer to sub ohm not for the clouds for that does not concern me but just for the Taste.

I saw mention of a chemical that was in bakery type juice but i had been undner the impression that it had been taken out of juice in the past 6 months?
So mention of it makes me wonder what the truth of all this is…if I havent already read the equivalent of a book to get this far, apparently I have a lot more reading to do

Thanks again…


Also dont yet understand what one means by an “unregulated” mod as opposed to one thats regulated?

I am also vaping 50/50 juice at the moment so not yet sure if that will need to change etc…/wow so much to learn lol

An unregulated device just gives you the power directly from the batteries, which then “sags” as the power drains. A regulated mod contains electronics that ensure a consistent voltage/wattage :smile:

Good for you! Researching, when it comes to this hobby, is key to your ultimate enjoyment. I’ve been at it for over 2 years and still learn something new every day it seems. This is an excellent forum in which to gain knowledge without the “slap down” and snarky comments that come with other forums.


I do agree. I personally am more than fed up with the “alpha dog” attitude seen in many a Vape forum.
Its just so tiring to deal with and soo unnecessary BUT that said I have found that this one forum to be the best so far and for some reason it seems to cater to a crowd less inclined to show off as the 'alpha dog" so badly needs to do :wink:

I have no doubt you can always learn and will keep doing so. Admittedly I found the learning curve on this much more extensive than I first expected but feel I have finally come around the huge corner and now it will slow down a bit as i grasp it all much more now.
The problem with the internet I find though, is that yu can read and read and read but one does not necessarily retain the information, or a good part of it. Theres too much. Its too overwhelming. Studies have been done that show those that write notes when learning, using a pen/paper/notebook tend to retain the facts needed far better than those that type it in on the web.
I believe that. When you write it down and in your mind speak all the words, visualize them as you write I think its a more natural way of learning but being hit with soooooooo much information, I cant begin to think of all the things i have read and then months later read again, completely forgetting i had likely read it at least once already. Having so much I believe makes it impossible to retain much beyond the points that you are looking for in particular.

So, I say that as I am very glad, more than you could possibley know, to be coming out the other end…i now am taking a 3-4 week break before starting my DIY learning process as my brain REALLY needs a vacation :wink:


Thanks. I did know that. I think i must have been really tired when I asked that question as i never did ask it properly. What i was really trying to figure out was what the attraction to unregulated devices were. But thats my fault as I did not pose the question properly. Brain Cell Overload!

I have since discovered that the unregulated ones are more often used for clouds and are the ones I usually seeing being used by those making huge clouds.
Since clouds have never personally been of interest to me, as taste is what I am after only, I hadnt paid attention to anyone speaking of the unregulated ones.
That being said, thank you for your answer, even though I didnt pose it properly. I however am unlikely going to be buying an unregulated mod.
As it were i just bought the Sigelei 100W which is likely overkill as I am also thrilled with my iStick 50w but I did need a 3rd set up and figured it was best to think ahead as 30W at one time seemed adequate but now I wouldnt go under 50.
I didnt buy the Sigelei 150W for that very reason. I doubt the Vaper I am will ever even need 100W and clouds are definetely not in my repertoire now or in the future :smile:
Thanks again!


I’m too old for drama! Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt…burned it!

I have a bazillion bookmarks concerning every vaping topic imaginable for reference when I can’t quite remember what I read somewhere. Fyi, the search bar on this forum is great for that; push in a couple of words and it’ll take you to the topic in which you have questions.

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I’m using plus ohms atm but it’s going to change soon :slight_smile: Quite excited.

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@seoulja; Your list of what’s coming in vape mail is a good sign of that! Have fun and be safe!

It’s really weird to hear you speak the horror of your experience with other forums. I had the same experience but only in reverse. I started hear so when I ventured out I was expecting things to be same everywhere. But I was sadly mistaken. Here’s a post I made a few days ago. Reddit Users

Wish I could say i was too young to have any idea what you are atlking about but im not and understand perfectly…but ive burned 100 t-shirts. Will check those links out. A bit later. Am presently about to do my first coil on my delta tank ll without any help and this might be an amusing next 2 hours so will check in a bit later and browse those links :wink:


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@ShelaghDB; Woot! Just put on some motivating music, grab your favorite beverage of choice and take your time.

Sorry to say, all those links are on my laptop, not in this forum. Maybe one day I’ll tranfer a few over.

Keep calm and vape on!

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I enjoy subohms.I like the clouds and enjoy building my own coils.