Vape or flame. oooops

My ohm metter broke. So right this second i have no clue where im at. But i did a deul coil 26g. 2.0. 5 wrap parallel. And the vape was amazing. Now i will say. This is on DA WHALE rda on 26650 og republic macanical mod. With a 90amp battery.
I hit this thing and it went dry fast and burt into flames and i burnt my tongue lol. THIS NOT TO DO

Whew! Came close to being rabbit stew…


Absolute LOL!!!

I got him covered a new ohm reader will be on his way tomorrow so no more flames! Hee hee unless your roasting chestnuts on an open fire ( I couldn’t contain myself sorry ) :wink:


Goodness! you are feeling the festive spirit!..& it aint even December yet! Good on you!
(…Oh, if you’ve got another spare…:wink:)

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Yup could have been worse

Wish I did friend sorry :frowning:

I couldn’t throw that all away, even it being opened and used I know someone could and would use it ! Plus he may burn down the house next so I had to get involved LOL JK @sillyrabbit


Lmao @Amy2

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I see the practicalities of that, still, v thoughtful of you!
Btw, I dont need an ohm reader…waz only yokin ya