Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

The Butter Base, Macadamia and Red Date are because I heard @jinx_d going on about some Butter Pecan flavour that sounded alright.

Also because @HVPGH talking about Tripoli, which made me thing date + nut + honey might be nice, thoug macadamia is a pretty heavy nut.

Also thoug, it’s not REAL macadamia, but flavored air.

The red date can also double as a sweetener if it doesn’t work with the macadamia, though there’s also Brown Sugar for that and to stop me having to use-up all the Sweet Honey.

Obviously I like the Warm Custard and Vanilla Cream since I’ve ordered 100mL bottles of those.


I emailed them once before and did not receive a reply and quite honestly it is what it is. I’m not upset or anything.
I’m not going to like every concentrate I try as taste is subjective and every manufacturer has winners and losers.

Each to their own as such.


I got 1 reply outta two so far: from some chick called Tamara who said thanks for telling gingerb how awesome their … whichever flavours I said ai liked.

But no reply to the second, where I asked whether I could get priority over everybody else who orders :smirk:


No I didn’t really ask for priority customer status.

I DID ask if I could check whether what’s in my cart is in-stock before ordering so my order doesn’t sit on hold for weeks waiting for a restock of one flavour.

No reply to that either :angry:

/spit @ tamara


Really though, there’s no stock-count on their site, so that’s their fault.

And I would rather they just swap one flavour for one that’s out of stock and send me my shit: nno custard left? Fine: Creme Brulee will do.


I sent a polite email questioning the price of postage at the time, which may be lower now. I honestly thought it was a mistake of some sort.
As I didn’t receive a reply I thought sod them as there’s plenty others out there but was repeatedly drawn back to the website by reviews given and the array of flavours.

Eventually I ordered as temptation was too great and once I used the discount code on ELR it reduced the overall price to about average.
Overall I’m glad I did but a little surprised as I’m a stubborn git!


$15 Express Post for me, and I live less then an hour from the suburb they’re located.

I reckon DHL would get it to me same day that close, but last week’s order was overnight - at the post office first thing in the morning.

I’m okay with overnight.


I mixed Vapetrains Croissant and Strawberry Jam today, along with a DIY NET all @4%.
I’ve read reviews on the Strawberry Jam saying it’s a little underwhelming, tasting not of actual jam.
To me it smells of jam but I won’t know until at least two weeks time personally.
I’ll post my thoughts then.


Even JAM needs to steep??

Gawd - I figured that’d be a shake n vape flavour, given it’s fruit without any dairy.

EVERYTHING needs steeping - only the nasty, tangy shitty fruits seem to work without prolongued periods of sitting in a cupboard :smirk:


I guess the actual sticky, glutinous jammy puckery taste is more complicated than just simple fruit though, so it makes sense from that perspective.


@Gazza7 gawd, you writing a novel?


However I can comment on Vapetrain Light Rum and I like it a lot. It was mixed @4% and steeped for 21 days.
Personally I find it far superior to their whiskey which I enjoyed enough but not as much as FA Rum. Vapetrain Light Rum has surpassed FA Rum and has now become my favourite alcohol type concentrate which is a recommendation in itself.
I think it does have traits of the whiskey but has a much better taste. I’m certainly not a big rum drinker but from what I remember this does remind me of it.

Basically it’s a “boozy” type flavour with a very enjoyable sweet tinge to it. I think I can taste a very slight caramel too. It also leaves an extremely enjoyable aftertaste in the mouth after a vape which I like. I think it was when reading Taste Of Concrete that he mentioned it would pair very well with FA Rum which is a combination I’m definitely going to try. I believe another winning combination would be a tobacco which I first hoped when I done the same with their whiskey.

All in all I’m very impressed with this one,would definitely buy it again and rate it at 9.5 out of 10. I would give it a 10 but think that it might become a bit much as an ADV but that’s just my individual tastes and thoughts and not the fault of the concentrate.
In saying that it’s possible I may think differently when used in a recipe so I rate it as a very solid 9.5 out of 10.


No, just trying to choose my thoughts carefully and honestly.

I almost always leave every mix for at least 14 days, probably unnecessary some of the time but it’s become automatic now.


Yeah I have only the Barrel Oak concentrate, which is very mild and slightly sweet the way vanilla beans are though without the vanilla flavour - and I have considered that a nice base could be created with some Oak, Brandy or Rum, maybe some Red Date for that rum & Raisin tint and honey.

After that, a single good flavour could turn that base into a rich, sweet, Boss Reserve style juice with very little extra flavours since the alcoholic flavours with the sweet honey/date and woodiness of the oak would set-up the juice for, well it could be vaped just like that I suppose.

Sure seems like a great start.


Yes I tried upping the Warm Custard to 10% in one mix the other day, and though it’s already 5 or 6 days old, it’s still got fuckall flavour :angry:

I know it WILL have, it just seems so random the way steeping brings out note of a flavour at a time over so long a period, and I wasn’t sure about that custard until one day, the first mix I used it in just suddenly had the classic Custard taste on the exhale: it was not detectable at all for DAYS on end, then suddenly around a week - it was there in the mix.

That was only a 4 or 5% custard though: the 10% should be great when it suddenly pops-out the creamy exhale but so far it’s less than a week and only tastes vaguely like custard still.


I can definitely recommend Vapetrain Light Rum for any boozy type recipes you might have in mind.
I haven’t tried their Rum & Raisin but have had Flavorahs and that one is excellent.


No no: I don’t mean a combination rum & raisin flavour, I’d use the Rum you’ve got with Red Dates, to steer away from the stock-standard rum & raisin taste, since the light rum itself would be well lighter than a rich rum, and the dates would be rasin-like without being too samey.


I just remembered your request so thought I’d reply again stating the obvious if you read above!

Probably a stupid thing to do but there you go.


I hadn’t read above but now that you mentioned it, VTA’s Light Rum would be it. Thx


I should note since this is the thread for it, that the only flavour i’ve been unimpressed with so far is the Sweet Cream: not because it’s weird or anything, but because I just don’t seem to get much of a taste of it.

Though I’ve always used it in mixes: maybe aas a single flavour I’d like it.