Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

You are right, it was me who found English Toffee unsatisfactory as to be honest I can taste no redeeming features.
But of course my opinion is just that and yours could be completely the opposite.

Taste is so subjective that I sometimes think that another person’s review of a concentrate is no more than a loose directive.
I’ve agreed with some and totally disagreed with others.
Personally my objective when buying a new concentrate is to read as many opinions as I can find and I work on the simple thought process of the more that like it the more likely it is that I shall like it too.

I’ve also just had impulse buys too which contradicts my normal thought process. But that’s one of the things that I enjoy about mixing as you never truly know anything until you try it for yourself.

The rabbit hole is deep…


Spot on assessment.


We have had it it here in the U.K. for donkeys years, it’s always sold in a green tin by a company called Tate and Lyle. My Nan used to make gorgeous steamed suet puddings with it served with custard, oh my days how I miss her and her puddings.


You can buy Tate & Lyle here (in Perth anyway) but only in a few select places that either have an international isle or are a dedicated import business with a shop front.
However it’s extremely expensive but very good.

My significantly better other half occasionally buys it to make a butterscotch tart which she believes cannot be made with anything else.


Wow @Lucas_James_Holden I learned something, and I like that !!! I had no idea it was a REAL flavor. Not only did you TRIGGER me with your “Pudding” talk, how DOES Golden Syrup taste ?


I am not the best at describing things like this so I’ve quoted this from a review of it.
What is golden syrup? It’s a thick, smooth golden-colored syrup made from cane sugar that has a unique buttery scent and a light caramel flavor. It’s less sweet than, say, corn syrup. It’s also called light treacle (not to be confused with dark treacle, which is similar to molasses).


This should give you some more information about the history of Golden Syrup and how it’s made if you are interested.



Like brown sugar on crack :wink: that is simplifying it to the nth degree but gives the idea.
Nearly time for me to make the yearly quest to make ANZAC biscuit vape, which are full of Golden Syrup
Eating some real ones as I type :drooling_face:



I very much like watching Nigella rustling up something tasty in her kitchen, she always seems to have a smile on her face. I would never have thought that her father MP Nigel Lawson would have such a beautiful daughter… and those tight fitting dresses…Ahem oh yes Golden Syrup cough cough… :wink:


Like they all said and ‘brown sugar on crack’ sums it up pretty well.

I’m sure our long gone great-grandmothers generation would’ve known exactly how to cook up a batch on their stoves, but it’d be labour intensive and very time consuming so as soon as it became available in supermarkets home-made would’ve vanished.

We have it here in both major supermarkets in big 500g plastic tubes made by CSR: our biggest manufacturer of sugar generally.

Has the texture of the soft toffee we used to buy at school fetes all the time in cupcake paper.


I can only imagine the many blackened and ruined saucepans all because they took their eye off it in the few moments between it turning from a lovely light golden colour to a black tar, I can also only imagine the colourful language coming from said kitchens.


Yes: boiling sugar into caramelized syrup iy’s something I’ve not even tried to do after attempting once many years ago and having that happen to me.


I’ve been using Vapetrain Croissant all day and I’m afraid I’m not finding the love that I’ve seen mentioned on here. I mixed it @4% and it was steeping for 22 days.

I do taste the butter that’s been mentioned but to be honest I find it a bit sickly. I also get something else which I’m presuming is the croissant/bakery aspect but unfortunately I also find that a bit sickly. In essence I find the juice a bit sickly and basically strange tasting.

I wanted to like this one and certainly by the descriptions and opinions I thought I would but it just doesn’t work for me. I don’t find it terrible but I expected and definitely wanted more. I believe it’s fair to say this probably isn’t supposed to be used as a stand-alone and could possibly work for me in a recipe.

I definitely will try to use it at lower percentages and have thought that even in its testing stage I could have enjoyed it more if the percentage was lower.
But honesty is required here and it doesn’t float my boat.
I will give it a 5/10 and wouldn’t buy it again.


Thanks for that @Gazza7. I had a small order come in the other day and VTA Croissant was one of them so will take note when I eventually use this. Yeah, I wasn’t thinking this would’ve been a single one shot type of flavour either but I’ll find out for sure when I SFT this. The median for solo on this is 6% and you’ve tested at 4%. Decisions, decisions :thinking: Thanks mate.


No worries.
If it’s possible I feel a little let down by this flavour as I expected it to taste much better to me than it does. I persevered all day using it thinking it could improve but unfortunately it just didn’t.
I have tried to be completely subjective and not let my preconceived perceptions get in the way but there arrived a time where I just had to draw a line.

I hope I haven’t appeared to harsh and put you off it as i don’t think it’s terrible and will probably find uses for it but I’m also not going to lie.
At the end of the day I appreciate honest opinions and as we’re spending our own hard earned try to be as honest as possible.
Put it this way I hope you like it more than me!


Not in the slightest bro’. Taste is subjective and all that. Goin’ in with an open mind, taste buds at the ready :grin: Cheers.


@Gazza7 welcome to the wonderful world of tastebuds and palates !!! I had pretty good luck with it for my tastes.

As always, what tastes great to me, may taste terrible to you, and vice versa.

And ultimately, THAT ^^^^^^^ is what matters. Sorry it didn’t work out for you better.


I’m pretty sure you’ll find it work great in recipes. I’d easily put it in my top20/400+ flavors (and top3 VTA). I use it frequently in various bakeries, puddings, for mouthfeel, texture or whereever some not-buttery butter could play well. For more convincing croissant add a quarter of Zeppola on top of three quarters of Croissant VTA (and some Premium and Apple Filling and you’ll have a pretty decent vape that doesn’t need weeks to steep). (if you don’t find it that good, then WF Croissant is also very high rated; i don’t have it yet, but it’s on top of my priority list).

Thx for great reviews gazza7 (and you too Guido_Possum)! Always good read.


Is that a sleeping lion on the label? What an unusual theme.