Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

Have you tried the Hard Crack Toffee? I used it in a mix built around a treacle candy called Walker’s Treacle Toffee Candy. I can’t say that I nailed it because I’ve never had Walker’s or treacle anything. I just fashioned it off a cooking recipe.


Yeah, but not for a while. I got more coffee lollies than anything else of this one. Actually made a nice mix similar to these… image

But never got it to work as a treacle sort of thing, the coffee note was better for me than what I get off some caramels which is burnt sugar.


People do say that about the Hard Crack, that it has coffee undertones. I’ve used the English Toffee and it’s a good flavor but wished it was a bit stronger.


Yeah, I gave it a go the other week, never fully tested the mix, but I got a nice flavour that came out a little thin initially. I haven’t decided yet whether to pursue it further or move on.
It might just need a mate, most flavours need a best mate :wink:


Currently vaping Vapetrain Strawberry Jam at 4%. It’s been steeping for 24 days.
I’ve read only a few opinions on this one with as far as I can see nobody saying they think it tastes of actual strawberry jam, but I beg to differ. It’s another flavour that initially drew my attention to them but I nearly didn’t bother as opinions seemed to say that it was just another sweet strawberry.

When I was compiling my order I debated but thought that I’d be silly not to try it for myself and now was the chance. Even if it was ‘just’ another sweet strawberry I could still use it. I’m glad I won the argument with myself!

Personally I do taste strawberry jam particularly on the exhale and aftertaste. Again I gave it a while to make sure my preconceived thoughts weren’t playing tricks on me but nope I definitely taste strawberry jam I’m glad to say.
I think I can see where others have tasted a sweet strawberry but to me anyway this is more than that and very nice.
I can definitely vape it solo and believe it’ll work excellently in a recipe, the obvious being a peanut butter and jam something or other. I’ve attempted a couple with what I had previously but with not a lot of luck.

So to summarise my opinions are this does taste of strawberry jam and I like it a lot. I would definitely buy it again and rate it 9.5 out of 10.
Due to this I’m tempted to try another jam, perhaps their Jam-it concentrate and a marmalade but time will tell with that decision.


Finally, he’s found one he likes! :smirk:

I don’t like jam much personally, though like you said even if it’s just a sweet strawberry …

I don’t expect much more accuracy from any single flavour so as long as the vanilla cream tastes like good vanilla I can use it; long as the flavour tastes within the range of its profile and not disgusting, I am happy to have it in the cupboard.

As long as a given flavour tastes good and the next bottle tastes the same as the last, I can take the label on the bottle with a grain of salt I mean, and not hold the flavour to any specific level of accuracy: if I really wanted to taste custard, I’d cook some damn custard because that’s the only way you’ll ever accurately get the genuine taste of custard, obviously.

Which I REALLY wanna do every time I think about that, but then just walk right past the custards in the dairy fridge every time I go shopping… I just wanna buy a litre of cold custard and drink it out the carton fuckit…

Vapor can only ever be a second-grade simulation of the real food, which we all know - though I’m sure we forget that occasionally in our pursuit of perfect taste: the warmth and fatty proteins in the milk swishing around my mouth from the coffee I am drinking, cannot ever be simulated by steam that tastes like coffee.

It just can’t.

Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to cut back on the weed and the amount of ‘magical’ thinking they’re doing :slight_smile:

Some like the Red Dates taste and smell so spot-on they’re awesome but yeah maybe because I’ve stuck mostly to creamy/custard/dessert flavours, but I’m yet to try a VTA flavour I don’t like.

The absolute worst I could say for a few I’ve got is “they don’t blow me away”, but most flavours on their own won’t, I figure, and in combination with others they’ve all been pretty good.

I will say, that Rose is strong as f#%k: few drops and the mix literally tastes like Rose completely.

I gotta get that woman back here fuckit…


Sadly it depicts a dead lion surrounded by bees from the story in the Old Testament about Samson. Here is the history behind it all.


I was actually thinking the lion looked WAY too “relaxed” to simply be sleeping, and looks kinda dead - cloud of blowflies hanging around: like it just needs a hunter with a rifle kneeling on it’s shoulder or something.

Then I thought, “No… why would a FOOD company want a DEAD lion as their logo? Surely a pouncing beast would be more appealing?”


Apparently Lyle was a religious man hence using the dead lion on the tin depicted from the Old Testament. The link I posted from the Tate and Lyle website tells us all about the history of the company and it’s Golden Syrup and it also has some jolly nice looking recipes too.


I didn’t think about this when you first posted this but since you commented on the Strawberry Jam. I recall that aspect of it when I pushed it higher. I ended up using it around 2% or lower, backed it with another bakery and really only used croissant to add butter. Jam and marmalade did well at balancing everything out for me.


Remarkable how tradition and pride in that metal tin stayed right up until about the turn of the century: then bang bang bang easy pour, breakfast bottles and all manner of different packaging superceded that little tin.


I threw this in today’s order too:


No idea and I don’t even like tobacco flavours generally, but it was only $4/30mL and judging by the design went into the label I figured it must’ve been popular at some point.

Pipe tobacco with wild blueberry hmm…

You know the snarling panther sucked me in on that one.


I find it very sad and it’s just typical of the way of the world today, there doesn’t seem to be any room for tradition or sentiment any more. The quality in the old fashioned packaging was second to none, often reusable and made with pride in comparison to the plastic crap we churn out today and much of it is made without a care for the environmental consequences so long as it’s easy to use and cheap to produce. It mostly comes down to laziness and greed. Sorry to go off on a tangent there, it’s just a sore point for me and I’m old fashioned I suppose.


Yeah no I’m a big fan of things made pre-1950: not only were things guaranteed for life, they were good enough thi be worth repairing.

I remember years ago getting into cabinetmaking as a hobby and though I’d already bought all the modern marples chisels and record planes, I saw a beechwood plane with a pitted steel with a Glasgow manufacturers stamp embossed in the blade.

Bought it at some market in Adelaide for $20 and took it home: after simply honing the blade and rubbing some linseed oil on the wood I found that 100 year old wooden plane worked better than any of the contemporary planes I’d bought.


I totally agree with you and my Father would be delighted to hear you say that about the old tools as he was a tool maker himself before becoming an engineer. Everything was made to be able to fix yourself at home or at the local hardware shop, now everything is disposable or costs more than the item is worth to have it mended, no wonder this planet and the environment is in such a bloody mess.


@Guido_Possum, I’m interested to hear what your thoughts will be on the Inawera Black Cat For Pipe. I have their Vanilla For Pipe and Black Cherry For Pipe which is a really nice flavour even though I am not a tobacco lover. The Vanilla one is so so to me but the Black Cherry has very little tobacco flavour and one of the best black cherry’s that I’ve tried. They do need about a months steep though to be at their best in my personal opinion but it’s worth it.


A horn plane it was, I think: blocky looking thing with a simple wooden wedge to hold the blade in place.

Even the sound it made slicing along a length on wood was smooth as silk yeah and I didn’t think it’d work so well without a metal sole or whatever the plane base is called - I can’t remember ack the parts names anymore, that was 10 years ago :smirk:

Fact, the whole thing was beech except gover the blade and they don’t even made steel anywhere near as good yeah.

Actually, I’m sure you CAN get steel that good if you’re willing to pay enough to order from dinne exclusive Japanese toolmaker, but that’s too cost prohibitive for most compared to what they were back when that plane would’ve been made…


Maybe this one will be the best blueberry I’ve had mm … if they ever process the order: I clicked submit at ~9:00am and now at ~7:00pm nothing has been shipped, which always makes me wonder which items aren’t in stock…


I’ve found a few I like and some I don’t, much like all manufacturers that I’ve tried.

Strawberry jam is a taste I’ve been chasing for a long time and this has come the closest. I did think Flavorah strawberry filling was close enough but this is better I think.
I’m looking forward to working out a percentage on each to put them together and trying that now.
This rabbit hole just gets deeper!


If you don’t like it I’d say send it to me but that would cost several times more than it’s worth.