Hey I am about to put a order in and thought I’d try Vape Train. I’m looking for the sweetest.
Strawberry jam
Sweet strawberry
Shisha strawberry
If you are looking for a Sweet (Syrupy, Candied) Strawberry you would be hard pressed to find anything that compares to Sweet Strawberry~Jungle Flavors.
I will post the link to the Flavornotes on the Recipe side of this Forum. There is a plethora of great information there posted by some of the most talented Mixers in our Community.
Good Luck & Good Mixing
Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind for future orders.
What about a blueberry?
Blueberry jam or blueberry candy?
I’d like to support this company with “Vape” in the name.
Sweet Raspberry, Shisha Raspberry, or Raspberry jam?
I’m fairly strawberry challenged and have acquired a boatload of strawberries on the quest to find one that pops for me. While it doesn’t quite do the job I’ve found Glazed Strawberries (VTA) comes close to the mark. I can’t really give you detailed analysis but suffice it to say it is my new go-to out of all my other strawberries.
Just my .02
One of my favorite strawberries is (vta) shisha strawberry. It’s also the main strawberry in my sb stone or in general when aiming for a sb oriented recipe. I pair it still with a other one, due to sb’s can’t mostly hold up alone or won’t survive a steep.
But as always you probably will have to get them all and see which ones you like.
A lot of ppl like cap sweet strawberry, jf sweet strawberry, tpa strawberry ripe, inawera shisha strawberry (raspberry) but I don’t like any of them lol.
I yet have to find a good blueberry, I can tolerate fw blueberry but it’s not useful in every recipe, since imo it’s the most artificial candy and soapy bb. But it does well in some recipes.
Tpas bb 's are extremely earthy and floral to me, can’t vape them but these 3 are very popular, maybe something to consider.
Raspberry the same, popular is inaweras (if you want the regular priced concentrates) , I did like purilums. At the moment testing the mf one due to it being extremely popular if you’re looking for a high end flavor, but I can’t say if I like it or not, just yet lol
Cool, I have TFA sb ripe, just need one more to back it up, preferably one that adds sweetness. I’ve been using TFA Dragonfruit instead of a second strawberry for Strawnana recipe.
I read that VTA fade, have you found that to be true?
Cause I’m experimenting with RF VG consentrates which take a month to steep, and if VTA fades after a month, then that won’t be good.
In my opinion every strawberry fades, some more/faster then others. Sometimes depending on recipe you even want it to fade/meld.
But again only from my experience (vta) shisha fades less than others. It also steeps longer. Other strawberries can be good within 8 hrs up to 3 days, this one does need a full week.
You could always add it later after your rf one steeped or add it at higher ratio, by the time both steeped it would have the strength you want.
Good idea.
I ordered the VTA shisha strawberry, blueberry candy, toffee ice cream, they should be here by the end of the week.
Heard good things about that one, but haven’t tried it. Hope you will like the sb, lemme know after you tested these, as well as the bb.
I also picked up a 5ml bottle of Blueberry by Great Lakes Juice Co.
Have you ever heard of them?
Heard about them but never tried their flavors. @Stankhammer I think got some of their flavorings if I’m not mistaken, maybe he can chime in.
Oh sry, I meant flavourings since they don’t speak english in Canada
What happened? Did you like the GLF blueberry? I don’t have it. I’ve found glf flavours need to be tested as I think the brokevapers site list 1-9% usage for all GLF flavours. Which really doesn’t help much being such a wide range.
I know this was directed to eStorm, but I haven’t experienced any fade with the few VTA flavors that I’ve tried (and by chance, I still have some testers beside me that are going on 3 months old).
I have a few VTA and have noticed no fade. The mandarin is tasty but around 3 or 4 weeks it gets too sweet. I mix it with kiwi FA to keep the flavor brighter.
Sorry for the late reply. 5% seems good. I have a bunch of public recipes up that use only GLF flavours and so far they have been great and easy to work with.
Try TFA Wild Blueberry. I add that to a net tobacco and it turns out great!
Just ordered this … Hoping it will replace INW