Vapeing, The Addiction

I get it, sort of like…Rock me and roll me til’ I’m sick…

Sorry, no better copy…

I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong, but I think it has something to do with reputation in the forums and how they determine who has what level of membership. “Liking” someones post is telling the system “Hey, this person is saying something good” and kinda giving them a +1 for rep points. I’m sure I’m oversimplifying it (or totally missing it completely) but that’s how I understood it. If you “liked” everything the system would lose meaning.

As a note, I think this is just for forums built on this platform…not all forums.


I understand what you are saying and agree, BUT, this only works on a young forum. Forums that are just starting out would not have a lot of topics and this could come into play. Forums with many topics and threads being looked at daily the likes get spread around more. Perhaps there should be a limit but on a large forum like this one I think the amount should be more than fifty. My opinion of course. Truth be told, I have never reached the limit to my knowledge but if it doesn’t inform you, maybe I have and didn’t realize it. Let’s just say I think the number should be doubled at least. Perhaps not Unlimited, but Doubled. I’ll tell you something forums need. A That Sucks button. How many times has someone told us something sad or something bad that happened and you just don’t want hit the like button because you don’t want to portray that you like something happening to the person. Perhaps a That Sucks button would be appropriate. It would probably be abused though…


I like the disagree button idea, it should be annomious (however its spelt) though, so if you disagree with the comment your name isn’t splashed all over wouldn’t want to start arguments

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You mean, like reddit? LoL. That’s the perfect example of how a upvote/downvote system can go horribly wrong. Unless the dislike button had no significance other than to say “I don’t like this.”


I don’t see the purpose of a dislike button other than to stir the pot. Actually a That Sucks button is a poorly stated name for a That’s Sad button which is actually what I was thinking we needed. We’ve all thought that a time or two…


Ah, gotcha. Sorry, the brain is fried. I wholeheartedly agree with that. On here and on FB. Like when someone posts something horrible and you don’t want to comment but you wanna let them know “I hear you and I got your back.” Except, you can’t “like” the post cuz it’s awful and you don’t like it. Right?

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Exactly !!! All you want to do is acknowledge that you feel sympathy, not that you like the comment. The Like button can be very awkward at times…


Or even a simple thumbs down… a lot of places like facebook for example do not use a dislike button because it would start a lot of problems between users, as you say stir the pot. People would dislike stuff just to piss another user off, so that’s why they stay away from buttons like that. I think that a thumbs down would do the same thing but maybe not as harsh or direct? Maybe a sad face would be the most innocent


Excellent Idea, I like it and honestly, I think @daath should do it. It would be the first of it’s kind as far as I know. He’ll start a trend that all will have to do on their websites, including FB…


That is how I would look at it.
Personally I dislike when everything has to be so politically correct… everyone has to get a ribbon at the county fair or someone might feel bad, or ever the old saying of “if you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all…” while on the onset it seems to be polite and courteous, after a bit without someone giving them a thumbs down or dislike, they just feel like everyone just must be agreeing with them talking about whatever it is because nobody said anything to the contrary. Maybe it’s just me, but if there is/was a like button there should be a dislike button lol. I mean… that is why we have white milk right (because everyone likes the chocolate milk)?

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I agree with the " I feel for you button" and if you dislike something it’s just that. You don’t like it. If someone is talking shit, he or she won’t be for long. Maybe I would have to hear why a dislike button

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I would guess the answer would be the same if the question was asked “…why a like button…” On the same scope of this conversation, I would probably of run people out of their allotted number of dislikes by now lol

I could get a lot of use out of a “Go f**k yourself!” button! or an “Eat a bag of dicks” button…sorry, now I’m reaching…but it would be fun and probably get our point across :wink:

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Just read this entire thread, I had absolutely no idea what a tootle puffer is until this thread, heck I hadn’t even heard the term. Now that I know what it is, I think it’s quite hilarious. My dad is totally a tootle puffer :laughing:

I remember about 4-5 years ago when I started vaping, I used to think I was a badass and could blow a nice cloud with a little eGo 1500mah battery with my Protank 2. I moved to RDA’s for about 3 years after I started building myself. Now here I am today graduated with my Whomper degree :wink:


I too remember my Protank 2 and 3 days. Its what got me off the stinkies.


I actually still have my old Protank 3 stuck down in the very bottom of all my boxes and extra stuff, even have a replacement glass for it still :grin: oh the good ole days


I still have all my tanks and ego twists


Most of my eGo twists got put through the ringer and crapped out on me after a while, I hated those batteries :unamused: When I went to mech mods, I gave all my working eGo’s away in hopes that they would help someone out in the same fashion that they did me. Sure enough they did :thumbsup:


I gave away one of my egos and PT3 to my supervisor. She still uses it.

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