Vaping and nasal snuff

Just wondering if anyone else “dual uses” vaping with nasal snuff? I love vaping, but I also like to supplement with a strong nasal snuff now and then, just for the hit.

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I’d hazard a guess and say most here don’t do anything other than vape. If you really need a boost of nicotine and you’re looking to replace the snuff, you can make some juice in a higher nic and keep it on hand for those times when you need a boost. Some people keep a little bottle of just 24 or 36mg nicotine and do a drop on or under their tongue for that quick nic hit when things are really bad. If you do that, though, make sure you label it well and keep it put up somewhere safe.


No but I have found that with my nostrils having things wrong and missing inside from year of stuff going up there that didn’t belong as a young adult, with vaping I can actually breath through both nostrils almost 100% of the time now. Up from rarely ever.


No I actually had forgotten all about it. It was always under the sink or in the kitchen at some of my older cousins houses growing up. I have never tried it but one quick google search and I was floored with the amount of posts and recent followings it has. I haven’t ever heard anyone here speaking of it either.


Interesting - that’s the first I’ve ever heard of using e-liquid orally. The nicotine I’ve got stored away is 100 mg/ml, so I don’t think I’ll be trying that!

As for the snuff, I don’t have any plans to stop using it. Now I’m not talking about American-style “dip” (and even dip is not as dangerous as it’s made out to be by the propagandists: thanks to their efforts, when you hear “dip”, you immediately think mouth cancer, but in fact the vast majority of cases of mouth cancer occur in cigarette smokers, not dippers). I’m talking about British finely ground snuff taken nasally, studies of which have failed to produce any evidence of carcinogenicity (probably due to very low levels of tobacco-specific nitrosamines). Of course, a lack of evidence is not evidence, so we don’t know for a fact that taking nasal snuff is 100% safe, but then we don’t know for a fact that vaping is 100% safe, either. What we do know is that, unlike vaping, people have been using nasal snuff for a loooooong time (as in hundreds of years), and if there was something harmful about it, surely someone would have noticed by now.

Anyway - what I, as an ex-heavy-smoker, like most about vaping is the replication of the hand-to-mouth habit, as well as the inhale/exhale, and the throat hit. (I call my box mod my “pacifier” LOL.) The downside, for me, is that the serum nicotine rise and fall rate with vaping is flatter and longer compared to cigarettes (i.e., the onset is not as fast, the peak is not as sharp, and the half-life, so to speak, is longer, and is more comparable to the effect of using Swedish snus), and I find that the sharp relative peak of nicotine in cigarettes is part of my addiction, perhaps more so than the absolute nicotine level, too much of which leaves me not satisfied, but simply nauseated. But I still want that hand-to-mouth and that inhale/exhale - hence vaping. To get my sharp nicotine spike, I supplement with nasal snuff, which has an extremely rapid uptake and a short half-life, very much similar to the effect of cigarettes. To compensate for the addition of nicotine from the snuff, I use low-nicotine e-liquid (I sub-ohm on a device capable of up to 50 watts, so high nicotine isn’t necessary in the first place). This dual-use of vaping and snuffing replicates the sensory experience of smoking cigarettes but in an entirely smokeless way, and has the important advantage of containing whole tobacco alkaloids and MAOIs from the snuff, which work synergistically with the nicotine to create a physiological response identical to that of smoking cigarettes, something not possible with nicotine alone. Interestingly, there have been clinical studies where subjects who had never used tobacco were administered nicotine, and the subjects never exhibited signs of addiction. Apparently there’s something in tobacco specifically which is necessary for re-wiring the brain to become addicted to nicotine, and for satisfying those cravings once the addiction has become established. I would go as far as to claim that nicotine in isolation is simply not addictive - nor completely satisfying for a tobacco addict. After all, how many people find themselves jonesing like a drug addict for potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants, all of which contain nicotine in the form of nicotinic acid?

I’m convinced that the lack of whole tobacco alkaloids, the relatively flat nicotine absorption curve, and the lack of hand-to-mouth activity, are responsible for the utterly dismal long term success rate of nicotine patches and gum as smoking cessation tools. Most NRT users will tell you that no matter how many patches they slap on, or pieces of gum they chew, they still lack a certain “je ne sais quoi” they got from cigarettes. NRT manufacturers stress that willpower is necessary; I think that willpower is not an adjunct to the therapy but rather the active ingredient, with nicotine as little more than a placebo (a startling claim, I realize). What I have been searching for, and have discovered for myself, is a form of smoking cessation that simply requires no willpower (as I have very little of it). Vaping started the process, by providing a simulacrum of the habit, as well as sufficient nicotine at least to give me enough slight queasiness to not want a cigarette. But the latter simply felt like aversion therapy - not the most enjoyable experience. The addition of snuff completed the process by providing everything else that was missing.

Disclaimer: I am only describing my own personal experience. I am not suggesting that anyone take up the use of nasal snuff if they don’t already use it and are happy with wherever they are. We’re all wired individually. My own wiring is such that cigarettes had become as essential to me as breath itself, and so I perhaps require a solution a little more involved than others might find necessary. If I had never gotten hooked on cigarettes in the first place, vaping, snuffing, or any other form of cigarette replacement would hold no interest or attraction for me whatsoever.


Very interesting post. I see myself in many parts of it especially the “pacifier” part. Lol!!!


I agree that this is a very interesting topic.I could see how nasal snuff could be the tool needed to help someone quit smoking.Thank you @MarkM for the write up!


I would like more information about this please @JoJo as I have never heard of this before.My BIL has times where he can’t vape in his business.He was asking for my opinion on buying one of the nicotine inhalers and I thought that I would check into this as an alternative.
I assume you just make a 24mg nicotine mix like you would for ejuice without the flavoring and put it in a LDPE dropper bottle?
I would use a small 10ml dropper that has the small lip and locks the dripper top on so there is no way you could accidentally dump it all at once just for safety’s sake.I am actually very fond of my Brother in law.:thumbsup:

I am trying to remember who it was that was talking about it. I thought it was @Kinnikinnick who said he did it when he couldn’t vape at work because of his evil, smelly co-worker. :wink: I’ll keep looking for the posts.


Yeah… I tried the Nic in a bottle under the tongue thing…it tasted pretty nasty, so I just found ways of vaping at work that were a bit more sneaky. And the Nic content in the juice I take to work is boosted to 18mg for maximum Nic punch; I usually vape 6mg at home.