Vaping, dehydration and cramps

Yes! Hiccups! Particularly on the first long lung hit after not vaping for a while. It happens almost every time.

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Have someone around to scare the hell out of ya. That will cure the hiccups. :scream:


BOO… that’s odd never had that experience but find it a little funny, sorry.

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@Lostmarbles eye like ur idea!!! Lol

Aha! That might explain why my :tongue: feels so dry,
or shall i say “rough” - after some good hits!

Thanks to both of you, for enlightening me!

I will absolutely start to implement a water regime from now on.
Our body absolutely gives us hints, only fools would ignore it…

“Stay healthy, while vaping - hydrate!” -2maz the motto-maker 04.18.15. :smiley:

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Wow, that’s by far the best post i have read today!
So much information, in so few words - thanks.

@danbrochill (and possibly others).
I just wanted to say something… Not to remind you all in here of an old English-teacher or something like that :disappointed:
It’s just that some comma’s in the sentences does a lot for the ease of understanding
the meaning/question/point of your text.

I personally might have more difficulties than alot of others, hence I’m Scandinavian…
But a sentence do depend on some small pauses here and there - to help you tell what you want to convey

To be honest, i didn’t know if i should write this post at all,
the reason being it sounds so damn silly! :worried:

That’s why i apologize in advance!

It is not my intent to seem like an ass trying to lecture people, it’s just that it helps
people avoid misunderstand you, and answer/help you easier - it’s a win-win, that’s all.

Lesson over class :tired_face:

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Personally I’ve not experienced any symptoms of dry mouth or dry eyes or hiccups or cramps.

Am I an oddball?? Probably lol.

I don’t drink nearly as much water as I should, but I do suffer from eczema (since I was 3years old) and as such I apply moisturising creams and lotions etc periodically through the day, including on my face so this might be one reason why I don’t suffer with any dry eyes.

Without my creams my eyes would be seriously dry lol.

My wife started vaping on 27th January 2015 and hasn’t noticed any issues at all, but she does drink copious amounts water during the day anyway.


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If i use moisturizers on my face anywhere close to the eyes,
they get this searing sensation, and start to water non-stop! :cry:

So… that might actually help those suffering from dry-eye! For me though it’s quite annoying and painful…
(edit: I just realize this could’ve been a pun-intended joke, but it might be worth a shot if the dry-eyes are similarly annoying as my searing)

What you are is not called oddball, it’s lucky! :wink:


Depends how long you’ve been vaping but your body should get slowly used to it. At first I used to drink about 2L water a day while vaping, in 6 months it was less, now after three years I still drink water while vaping but nothing out of the ordinary that non-vaper wouldn’t do. Not so much to keep (or feel) from being dehydrated but more to keep my mouth moist otherwise I can’t taste my flavor.

I have no cramps but my water intake has doubled if not tripled.

Sorry punctuation isnt a priority when Im on my mobile, which is 80% of the time…

Vaping low mg of the juice I make doesnt dehydrate me until I feel nic sic from over doing it on ‘cloud chasing’ .0mg blends make my mouth water over time though. Maybe im doing something weird? I Make max vg blends so I thought maybe its the pg or a bad vg giving you those symptoms.

With that said I have heard from a local vendor that there is a pg used as a laxative for animals being sold and used to make eliquid…with that in my mind I made a full blown punctuation crushing run on sentence about my my half baked idea earlier lol

point im getting to is make sure your ingredients are high quality And fresh. A gallon thats been sitting gets funky.Make sure you really need any and all pg you are using in your mix, you may be better off without it.