Vaping, dehydration and cramps

I’ve had cramps more often than when I smoked - I suspect this is just due to being dehydrated more often, because of the PG/VG. Anyone else notice this? What do you do to stay hydrated? I’ve started to fill a 700 ml water bottle and have it handy by my side. I find that I can easily drink two of those during the day, and one in the evening :stuck_out_tongue:


No cramping for me. Over the span of my life i have average appx a gallon of water per day. There has been a slight increase since i started vaping. I drink a LOT of water.

Not sure I should touch this one. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I drink a ton more water than I used to, but I’m not sure if it is because of the vaping or because I quit drinking soda and started using MiO. I have a 32 oz (about 950ml?) water bottle that goes with me everywhere. I usually drink 1-1.5 of those a day.

Either way, I’m not complaining. I’m sure its good that I’m drinking more water. If it is from vaping, then that’s one more reason I’m glad I switched. :smile:

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I gave up my Mountain Dew habit right around the same time i quit smoking. Quitting the Dew was WAY worse. One of my favorite water additives is LA Grape, yum.

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Couldn’t hurt and might help! No cramping for me along the vaping line. However, I can tell when I’ve been vaping like crazy all afternoon and not hydrated along the way. I get that totally parched feeling. I realize all too late that I should’ve been drinking water, tea or something to combat that feeling.

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When I was using high pg I was getting heartburn like when I smoked . As soon as I lowered the pg it went away . Now high vg makes me congested a bit so 70 vg is about my sweet spot . I drink a lot of water now just so I don’t get vaper tongue so I never get dehydrated anymore


I had the same issue as well as headaches. MaxVG worked well to abate these symptoms.


I was always drinking a lot, so not much have changed in my life. The only issue I have is that if I vape before sleeping, then I wake up highly dehydrated.

Had similar problems when I started vaping and I read an article that said to drink a mid size bottle of water before your first vape in the morning, plenty of water throughout the day (I usually drink 6 - 8 of them) and another bottle of water after you’re done vaping for the night. I tried it and it helped a lot. As an added bonus, I also lost a little weight as I was so full from all the water, I didn’t eat as much.
Needless to say, you better be near a rest room for the first week or so until your body regulates itself


I have also been suffering from a slight increase in headaches @Ken_O_Where :weary:
But i haven’t really given it to much thought before now actually,
i will definitely take note from you guys. Thanks!

@MixedUp1 Vaper tongue? :anguished:

Care to teach me something today?

The tongue does not like to be dehydrated therefore it will protect itself with a film, causing loss of taste, that loss of taste is referred to as vaping tongue. BTW the film washes away with water.


No cramps… maybe a little dehydrated? I get the hiccups sometimes if it’s been awhile between vapes??? Anyone??

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Exactly ! Thanks for explaining for me haha

Really surprised no one has had experiences with dry eyes. Happens to me most nights, mainly when trying to sleep at night. I cant be the only one.

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@danbrochill the bases are the cause because they draw moisture epically when heated, the vapor we are getting is actually moisture being drawn from the air, the vapor continues to draw water from our body. There are a lot of studies going on right now about just how much nicotine our bodies are taking up because our lungs don’t take up water, it’s believed that we take most of our nicotine up through our mouth. @Damondo I’m sure we are all suffering from dry eyes just not as obvious because we can still see where as dry mouth keeps you from tasting.


I was an almost two pack a day smoker for twenty years. Never experienced this phenomena until I started dripping almost one year ago. I’ve never had this issue prior to this.

You may want to grab some eye drops to give your tear ducts a break.

Not trying to come off abrasive or sound like an ass but yes, I have done so when the need arises. Just kind of strange that I havent seen anyone else with this “condition”.

I can’t really tell - When I’m tired my eyes are a bit dry, because I’ve had laser eye surgery. Drier eyes is a common side effect of that - So I don’t know if vaping contributes to this condition…

I notice it more heavily on days when im not at work and drip my juice all day long. I’m not a chain vaper, but I can knock down some juice on my days off. At the end of the day my eyes are super duper dry.