Vaping in different U.S. States

My son is going on an American holiday in December. He’s visiting three different states and we’re unsure about the laws. He’s visiting Florida, Tennessee and Nevada.
Due to Australian vaping laws any stuff he brings with him could be confiscated upon his arrival back home. Therefore we’re wondering what the laws are in those states. He’s considering just buying disposables when he gets there and just dumping anything he doesn’t use to make things easier for him.
Can someone give us any indication if that strategy would work. Disposables aren’t his preference but are easy and as stated the risk of being fined etc upon returning home just isn’t worth the risk. We’re even unsure if he’ll be able to buy disposables in all states and would he need to buy enough in one state or the other to see him through?
Any advice would be greatly received as I’m worried enough as it is. He’s 24 now but it’s hard not to worry about the fact that he’s going to a different country on his own…


As far as I know there are no regulations in the states that you mentioned. Disposables in the us are available at most gas stations though I cannot vouch for the quality as I don’t use them. Also a lot of disposables are supposed to last for a long time, some up to 20,000 puffs or more.
Does the Australian gov scan (X-ray) incoming packages from overseas? Because if not then he may want to buy some supplies (mods, tanks, coils) and ship them to you or a friend. If they do check incoming packages then of course I wouldn’t take the chance of getting caught.


Yeah @Gazza7 what @McDuckie said. Those 3 states are free fire vaping zones. :slight_smile:


As far as I’m aware they do but apart from that it’s running the risk of not getting selected for a bag search to contend with too.
And thanks very much for the advice on disposables. I recently went to Bali and did exactly the same thing as vaping is legal there.

Sorry I just noticed your post was in regards to buying supplies and sending them back home. I’m unsure if they X-ray every package but they definitely do some. If you’re caught trying to import anything vape related there has been some astronomical fines quoted. Just not worth the risk.


Thanks for the information. If he can find a vape shop it could possibly be better for him to buy a mod/tank kit and some juice as nicotine is also legal there I believe? Perhaps one disposable to get him started and then something better.


Might want to keep in mind that most disposables are high nic tight mtl. If he can grab a cheap pod and a bottle or 2 of juices he knows he’ll like would be a more versatile option imo.


There’s no shortage of disposable vapes in the US. To tell you the truth most shops disposable’s are all they sell. The mods and RDA’s, RTA’s are in short supply. Most shops here have become glass shops because of pot being legal in many states. As far as laws in the US you can buy anything vape related as long as your 21 years old.


I’ve considered how to ask this question in the hope of not offending anyone but which ever way I come at it I think it could. Bear in mind I’m not American and am simply asking as a concerned parent who has never set foot in this state but have read some rather worrying things about it.
So I’ll just ask is Miami safe for a tourist on their own? My son is a typical 24 year old and isn’t thinking about being an obvious Australian young male on his own in an area that will be completely alien to him. He enjoys a drink and is also looking forward to enjoying Miami’s nightlife and all that might entail. I can’t help but think of all the worst case scenarios which I probably shouldn’t but I am.
Can anybody please give him (me) some pointers so that he stays relatively safe but can still do everything that he wants to do? He’s promising to keep his wits about him but I know what he’s like and after a couple of JDs that’s probably not going to happen.
Again sorry if my questions offend anyone but I admit I am worried as it’s so far away and he’s a trusting person.


It’s like everywhere else in this world. There are neighborhoods that are unsafe and neighborhoods that are safe as fort Knox. Thing’s can happen anywhere. Lighten up mom. Bad things can happen anywhere. Miami is no different than Brisbane.


You’re going to worry period. If he’s wanting to party the responsibility and common sense is on him. He’s an adult and there really isn’t anything you can do but hope he knows when to rein himself in. I know I’ve made bad decisions but I’m still alive and kicking; imagine it will be the same for your son.



Let me know what his top 3 juices are- and I’ll whip him up a few 60’s and mail them to his hotel before he arrives. I’m 99.9% sure someone here will send an RDA and MOD for his use.

All is good- and I’d be happy to help out. :blush:


Oh he will def have fun in miami and vegas lol. Prob a bit too much fun


Very kind of you to offer and I will tell him what you said but I think he’s just going to go the easy route of disposables. Both of us can’t stand them and blame them at least in part for the current Australian vaping situation but they are convenient for Aussies returning home now.


Thanks everyone for your comments and I know I come across as an overbearing parent who’s trying to wrap his kids up in cotton wool but I’m truly not. We was all that age once and as mentioned by @Letitia i know I also went a bit too far at his age but survived to tell the tale. It’s just harder being the parent than I imagined and it doesn’t matter how big and hairy he gets that doesn’t change.