How do you Vape and Why? You can post any comments below.
- Above 1 Ohm
- Below 1 Ohm
- Above and Below
0 voters
How do you Vape and Why? You can post any comments below.
0 voters
Would you be interested in learning to Sub Ohm.
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Poll Seemed to work great for me.
I’m a sub ohm guy but I used to be a 1.5-1.8ohm on off vapester
Since switching to sub ohm I feel the flavour is better because I’m able to produce builds in my devices that are better matched for more flavour than you could ever possibly get with a stock coil.
I find the lung full of vapour I’m getting now is much more satisfying than the mouth to lung inhale I used to get.
Plus coil building has turned into a new hobby.
As you very well know Oh Great God of Metal!
aka Coil Master J
Aka J
I voted wrong on q 2 didn’t think they were active… duhhhh
I don’t subohm (yet!) cuz I’m a chicken and just got my stuff in. Still learning to do coils and stuff on something that isn’t tiny. And yes, I want to try it. Subtank should be here tomorrow!
do it do it do it do it… lol
I vape mainly at 1.8 ohms if I use a RTA it is between o.2-0.6 ohms manufactured coil.
I started vaping to quit smoking and it works for me. The day I stopped smoking never again have I had another.
I feel healthier and can breathe easier. Was a smoker for 22 years and for the last 8years only smoked about 6 cigs a day wish I would have put them down years ago. But hey at least I’m doing it now.
Thanks for the poll @NewDrip
I will have my 1 year antiversary this father’s day and haven’t looked back !!!
yes antiversary a no butts anniversary!!! new word… haha
thanks alot it really means alot i used the shit out of those rotten things for like 35y my wife 2 I just wish it was sooner!!!
do u like the new word?
I missed it on first read… but yeah I love it. Hope you don’t mind if I borrow it!
just cred it should b in… wait a min lets start one follow me👇
I think it’s getting buried… No one has voted in 24 hrs.
Im a sub-ohm guy, of course. I own almost all mechs and even on my one regulated device i sub-ohm. I just prefer the warmer vape, its brings out notes in custards that just arent there otherwise.
I voted no on the second question for obvious reasons, hehe.