Vaping with a Beard – A Hairy Situation

Alright, my fellow bearded brethren, it’s time to address something that doesn’t get talked about enough—how vaping and a glorious mane of facial hair interact. Because let’s be honest, vaping with a beard isn’t always as smooth as a well-steeped custard.

Now, I’ve got a thick beard, and there’s no way I’m ever shaving it off. But I’ve noticed a couple of quirks when it comes to vaping. First off, my moustache always ends up wet—especially when using a proper mod. I assume it’s from condensation forming on the hairs, but sometimes it feels like my ‘stache is trying to squonk on its own. And then there’s the lingering scent—take a few puffs of something rich, and my beard holds onto that flavour like a well-wicked coil. Sometimes it’s great, like carrying a hint of vanilla custard around all day, but other times, I end up wondering why my face smells like a donut hours after I’ve put my mod down.

So, is it just me, or do you guys experience this too? Have you found any tricks to keep the ‘stache from turning into a drip tip sponge? Does your beard double as an e-liquid diffuser? And most importantly, does this make us the true flavour chasers?

Let’s get this conversation growing—because if there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that a solid beard and a good vape should always co-exist in perfect baaa-lance. :goat:


Same. I just give my stache a quick tongue swipe and keep going. Of course, my stache and beard smells like a tobacco barn!

… but, I’m good with that!


Well that is one good reason that a man’s mustache can also be known as the flavor saver. LoL :rofl::drooling_face: No beard here but I am sporting a full Magnum Pi mustache.


Yeah thats why i like vaping florals.Kissing my wife always gives her butterflies and flowers


I never had an issue with Vaping or Coffee condensation odor. And it’s fairly easy to wipe your mouth with a shirt sleeve, I have found.
My issue is Bacon & Spare Ribs. Either I am a sloppy eater or have trouble hitting the hole.
Everytime I eat Fatty meat products. I have to wash my Beard and Mustache. Otherwise I walk around and keep smelling Bacon Fat or BBQ sauce.


Hehe, we seem to have that in common @Mark_Turner. Maybe not the bacon, but DEF the ribs !!!


We called it the Flavor Saver long before vaping came about :sunglasses:


Only my right nostril is producing moisture?


Oh yes, and don’t forget about those sticky wings. Even a big, saucy burger can make a mess.


Definitely get the condensation on the stash. I have to tuck my beard into my shirt when I eat otherwise it just sits in my plate lol


Yup, get the beard condensation going on as well.