Hey guys! I won this tank from Heaven_Gifts on This Thread and I mentioned that I would review it, so here goes!
It’s not going to be incredibly in depth because I have only had it for a few days, but I will do my best!
Usually I use an RDA, but I was really interested in this thing because of the ceramic coils! It takes a couple minutes to soak juice up, but once it does it really puts out some great flavor!
I am more of a cloud-chaser than anything so I was a little worried that I would be unsatisfied with how much vapor it puts out. Even with the 0.9 ohm kanthal coil that comes pre-installed, I get RIDICULOUS AMOUNTS of vapor at as low as 30W! I haven’t tried the Ni200 0.2 ohm coil yet, because I haven’t needed or wanted to. It doesn’t leak, which was a HUGE bonus when I switched from my Mutation X v2. I am extremely glad to have gotten this thing, and at 37$ it’s a steal!
The only problems I have had so far: Sometimes I am chain vaping and it can’t keep up with the wicking, so I will get a burning ceramic taste (not very pleasant). The other thing is that it is somewhat awkward to fill, because unlike the Kanger Subtank mini (with a chimney that extends from the deck through the mouthpiece), the chimney is fitted inside of the glass tank, so I have to tip it at such an angle that the juice will flow into the tank, but not into the chimney. Kinda hard to explain, but basically when you unscrew the tank to fill it, there are two narrow gaps that juice can flow into the tank from. If your bottle has a skinny tip on it, it is no biggie. But with a regular size tip on your ejuice, it can be a little harder…
I would take a pic, but my phone is not in sight
In any case, I really like this tank a lot. I would even go as far as saying this is the favorite tank of the different ones I have had (Subtank mini, Ehpro Kayfun, Kanger Protank II, etc). So I suggest you pick one up!
And do me one better than that, pick one up from Heavengifts.com