Vaporesso Target 2 VTC 75W

I held one yesterday. It does feel good. Not my pic to buy right now though, so I didn’t investigate the specs. I did watch a review and they said the fake button where you put your thumb may be used for something in the future. Mainly I wanted to post about how I have been searching for the coils (only the replacement coils) that go in that tank that comes with the setup. I couldn’t find them all by themselves until yesterday at my local vape shop. I wanted them because they are ceramic and fit in the Atlantis and Lemo and I’m hoping to bring those tanks back into use (in my house) by increasing their flavor. I laid them to rest when my Aromamizers and Crown and TFV4, all gave me much better flavor. Well, I put one of the ceramic coils in my Atlantis last night. It took 1/4 tank with no flavor to break in and now I’m getting some pretty good flavor. ??? Enough to use it when I travel because the Atlantis doesn’t leak??? naaaaa. = no. I won’t be buying more coils for my Atlantis.
Notes: I had even tried rebuilding the non-rebuildable coils using Titanium and tried stainless steel to help improve the flavor in my Atlantis and Nautilus too. I haven’t found a way yet to make the flavor near as good as my Aromamizers. So sad. Maybe it has to do with the fact that the Atlantis (for example) doesn’t use as much juice. Wish there was a way to fix this.

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Hehe, seems you and I are doing research in opposite directions :smirk:

I drove several tanks through both of the coils that came with the Target kit and enjoyed the flavor and cool vape at first. After awhile, I found myself missing the warm vape. The flavor was always very pure on these ceramic coils but I could never get the vapor warm enough for my liking.

I pushed the variable wattage coil to 45W (20-35W recommended) and ran the TC coil all the way up to 600F and she was still cool as a cucumber… Not saying this is a con, just not for me… I’m sure there are plenty of people that want a cool vape. If someone is looking for decent clouds, clean flavor and cool vapor; this is definitely the coil they wanna check out.

The good news is these coils are very versatile. They are interchangeable with Triton, Atlantis 1&2, Melo and Freemax Starre coils. So if anyone wants to give’em a go and has one of those tanks already; these coils could resurrect one of your older tanks.

Even though these coils aren’t for me… I think this Target tank is awesome! It’s easy to clean (breaks down to 2 parts, minus the glass). It has nice fat O-rings and huge refill ports. Air-flow is perfect too, not restrictive but also not loose like the Crown or Herakles. So, I’ve been testing alternative coils in my Target tank. Triton 0.4ohm is pretty tasty but the coils have a raised ridge at the top which makes them difficult to fit. This ridge is also on the Atlantis and Melo coils. I have some Freemax Starre coils and the Triton RTA coil enroute to the house (should be here Monday) that don’t have that ridge on them…

As for the Target mod itself, I really, really like this thing. I like portability and can’t stand having crap in my pockets so I thought the iPV D2 was the best thing since sliced bread when I found it. My iPV D2 goes everywhere with me and it’s perfect for those stealth vapes in close quarters (like a ninja baby!). My iPV D2 has been dethroned since the Target showed up in the vapemail :laughing:


I really wish they would come out with an RBA for that tank. If they had one so would I :wink:

The Triton RTA should fit. I have one on the way and I’ll come back here and let ya know how it works out after I get a chance to play with it a bit… Should be here Monday… Gonna put Ti 22awg in it and hope it’s awesome :smirk:

There’s also a tutorial for building vertical coils in that RTA and they’re only $5 at VapeNW, CLICK ME


Ok, I did get more flavor after 1/2 tank or about 3ml in the Atlantis with the Target tank ceramic coil. I just put it back on my SMY in power mode at 26 watts. Flavor is only about 70% compared to my Aromamizers. and vapor production is med to poor. I bought the titanium ceramic coils and they read 2ohms. In Titanium TC mode running at 500 F, it is terrible. Less vapor and less taste. It’s a dud.

Aight, time for an update…

Had some issues with USPS and my Freemax Starre coils/Triton RTA order… Me and that dude are gonna have words lol. Purchase was made on Jan. 7th and it’s still MIA. 12 days and counting to go from CA to NC. I could have walked to Cali and bought them by now…

Sent them an email a couple days ago and their response was to blame the weather…really? :confused: Please do tell me more about this catastrophic weather you’re experiencing in sunny California…

Anyhoo, instead of waiting for them to figure out where the hell my parcel is, I made an identical order and had it FedEx’d this time. Stuff showed up today and I wanted to confirm that both the Freemax Starre coils and the Triton RTA fit perfectly in the Vaporesso Target tank. I couldn’t be happier, love the simplicity and air-flow on this tank :yum:

I haven’t vaped on the Triton RTA yet but did assemble it and put it in the tank with a perfect fit. Currently have the Starre 0.25ohm running at 65W and I can’t believe how tasty these coils are. It usually takes about a half tank to break in a new coil on my Arctic tank but the Starre coil was great from the first pull. Hope this helps anyone looking for an alternative to the ceramic coils.


THANK YOU Mofogger!!! This is indeed good to know. I haven’t gotten the freemax coils yet (spent too much on DIY supplies) but I’ve been using my target tank with the ceramic coils very sparingly. I just love that thing!! It’s pay week so I’ll be getting some coils this week, hell maybe the triton RTA too!!! Thanks so much for the update!!

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Buying one next week!

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I just got an order I placed at VapeNW 4 days ago. First time I have ordered from them and they are on fire with the shipping. I wasn’t expecting it for a few more days!

Edit: I have to lay low with the spending. I just ordered 5 tanks, a mod, and some other small goodies :wink:

Edit Again: Oh, and $100 worth of flavoring :wink: :wink:

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I ordered some stuff from VapeNW on Sunday, will be delivered tomorrow. Yes, very good, I’ve had faster at some other places but I think that’s pretty decent coming all the way across the country. Why does it always seem that’s there’s just something I MUST HAVE! The spending, it never ends!


I know what you mean. I am on a self inflicted (yeah, I meant to use that word) spending freeze! I cannot buy anything this paycheck except mods, tanks, RDA’s or flavors. Outside of that, I am done buying chit. Sometimes you just gotta cut yourself off!


HAHA!!! Yeah, I said the same thing, today is payday and I am NOT buying ANYTHING!! Welllllllll, except a couple flavors I really need, some freemax coils, a triton mini rta, and I might have to look at some rebuild able tanks since I did my very first coil tonight!!

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Sweet. Once you master a few rebuildables it starts to get really interesting. My biggest step was switching to Ti and temp control. The flavor is so amazing, and the coils are really easy to build. Are you using Ti yet?

Not yet. I seem to move in very small baby steps, I don’t know why. Being that I’m mostly a MTL and not after big clouds I’ve read that TC isn’t a whole lot better. Should judge for myself I guess. But I’ve also read that Ti wire gives phenomenal flavor and that’s really what I’m after. The whole vaping scene has changed so much in the two years I was off doing my own thing with those old carto tanks, it’s pretty confusing and leaves me wondering which way I should go. I love this Vaporesso though, it’s my first external battery mod and I get decent life out of the battery, and I have a cuboid on the way too. I guess what I really want is a couple ( make that a few) tanks that I can easily rebuild with my arthritic hands so I don’t have to keep buying coils. There’s just so many out there! And $30 for a tank is a lot to me, kind of a big investment if I hate it. Right now I’m really looking at that Triton since it’ll fit in my target tank. For $10 if I hate it, it’s not a big deal. GAH! This is worse than shoe shopping!!!

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I trust @Mofogger that his review of it was pretty good. But even at that, everyone has a different vaping style. I will be ordering a Vaporesso soon. So if you happen to get the Triton RBA and don’t like it give me a shout and I will buy it for what you paid for it.

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DEAL!! Y’know, I’d totally forgotten that I had ordered myself a subtank, came with a rebuildable deck, DUH! Showed up today. Still gonna get that triton though.

Posted this in another thread, only seems right to post it here as well…an alternative to the Triton RBA:
Anyvape SegaTank RDA Coil Head V2 for Atlantis

It’s a little different layout, slightly larger juice holes
Kidneypuncher no longer sells them, but might still be findable…just another option…

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Great information… i just posted a new thread , looking for what replacement coils would fit in the Target tank. Now i find this!

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Hey @redscaddy22, glad you found this thread!

I saw your new thread and the questions you PM’d me. I wanted to answer everything here incase someone else has the same questions in the future. This may be a long post… Let’s begin, shall we…

First, let me say that after several months, I still love this tank/kit! Currently, I have (2) Vaporesso Target mods, (6) Target tanks and over (100) Freemax Starre 0.25ohm coils for backup. The Target tank is my #1 premade coil tank and I’ve tried many tanks. This doesn’t mean it’s for everybody but it’s my #1 and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

As for the Target mod… It’s still in my rotation but I’ve brought my IPV D2’s out of retirement and I use them primarily with the Target tank on top. The reason I’ve gotten away from using the Target mod so much is because there’s a glitch with the LED screen… Sometimes when your battery power gets low, the screen will bug-out and get really hot. Half of the screen goes white and I guess that’s why it gets hot. It had me pretty concerned at first cause I thought it might be a battery issue but took the battery out and it was cool as a cucumber; the screen however, was rather toasty. Here’s what it looks like…

For alternate coils… Many different coils will fit (mentioned previously) and I tested several, but the best ones I’ve found are the 0.5ohm and 0.25ohm Freemax Starre DVC replacement coils. They are inexpensive and I can get 2-4wks use on a coil, depending on what I’m vaping.

The 0.5ohm coils have literally zero break-in time. Tasty from the first pull! They can be found here -> Click Me

The 0.25ohm coils give me just a bit more “Umff” on flavor but they do have a funky skunk flavor when breaking them in. These are the coils I buy in bulk :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Breaking in a new coil: I usually vape these at 50-60W in power mode but I start at 30W… Juice up my tank w/new coil then let it sit for ~10minz, start at 30W and take very short puffs with time between pulls, basically just pulsing the coil. I do 4-5 of those, let it rest a couple minz then go to 35W and repeat. Pulls get a little longer each time I up the power. From 35W, I go to 40W, then 45W and so on, repeating the process. By the time you get to the 50-60 range, the funky taste is gone and there’s nothing but deliciousness for the next 2-4wks :yum:. They can be found here -> Click Me

A note on the Triton RBA…
Click Here
I did NOT like that thing :rage:. However… I think it may have been user error. I was using regular wire to make the coils and I think that’s why I kept getting a burnt plastic taste. After doing some additional research, I think I needed NR-R-NR wire which is just WAAAAY too much of a pain in the ass for me to be dealing with :smirk:

I never tried the NR-R-NR wire, but if you’re interested, you can find some here -> Click Me

There is also a FreeMax RBA, but I can’t verify it’s compatibility with the Target tank… I haven’t tried it… You can see it here -> Click Me

I think that covers everything, but if I missed something, hit me up on this thread and I’ll try to cover anything else :sunglasses:


I don’t understand why regular kanthal or ss316L wire wouldn’t work with the triton rba. I looked up the nr r nr wire. Looks like ni200 and nichrome wire twisted/ or clamped together.

I definitely want a rba for the target tank, just to future proof this tank. (I can always buy wire)