So this might be a little long. Short version my Drop Dead RDA with a pair of .13 Clapton folded staples burnt the cotton out of the coils a gunked up in a few days. I did the math
Ohms .13
Volts 4.2
Amps 32
WATTS = 135.6
Even though the box was set at like an average of 50 watts was it hitting at 135 like the math says ?
Holy crap!
My current setup the math works better
Ohms 2.3
Volts 3.42
Amps 14
Watts 50
You may not be aware… But you’re saying and asking two different things.
This can be taken as:
The net impedance of the two coils (and using a parallel configuration deck - which is what most are) is 0.13 ohms. Which means that, if measured separately, they are each in reality 0.26 ohm coils.
If you were using them on a series deck, and they are in fact 0.26 ohm coils (each one), then you should be measuring approximately 0.52 ohms.
Only if it’s a “voltage dominant” mod. Which you need to know, and be familiar with!
Either way, most mods (not always) try to deliver power based on what you have the power SET TO. The power should only deliver the necessary current for the impedance being read, and according to what the power is set to.
I think you’re over-thinking things and getting confused… But we definitely need some clarification first before we can help much more.
Are we talking about a mod in TC use, or power?
What mod?
What atty/deck?
/edit ugh. Missed the above while getting thoughts on the reply together. This is supposed to be a parallel deck IIRC, so total impedance is 0.13 if I’m following correctly? If that’s accurate, then the next question should be answered with 0.26 ohm per coil.
Individual coil measurements?
No. It was hitting at the wattage you had it set to if the mod is pretty accurate. If, like Sparks described, were using a mechanical mod then your figures would be correct.
Ok I need to rethink my question…thanks guys
Both of what these guys said is true, but one other thing… If your ever really pushing 32 amps make sure you have the batteries to handle it, and they’re fresh and married. Look over the 1st two tabs on this site.