Warm water baths

Hi was wondering if you guys had a answer for my question? How warm are your baths? And how long before it starts to ruin your creation? Thx

I only do it for about 10 minutes, and it’ll be boiled water allowed to cool off a little. I do it just for initial blending, makes it much easier shake the mix up nicely, and starts the steep process. I’ll let them air in the press after for a few hours, then capped steep with a shake up daily.

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Similar to @Uncaged, I only do it for 5-10 minutes to facilitate blending high VG liquids. Temp is normally around 130-140° F.

I only use a warm bath to help thin the VG for better mixing, and I don’t consider it part of the actual steeping process. I’m not a believer in extended heat steeping - remember, we’re dealing with highly volatile aromatic compounds which are just itching to escape anyway. What I do is, I put a mug of water in the microwave until the water starts to boil, then I take it out and place my beaker of newly made liquid in it and let it sit for maybe 5 minutes. I then use a little handheld battery-powered milk frother to get it good and mixed up, then decant into a bottle, and into the cabinet it goes. Shake once daily for at least a week. As with a fine wine or whiskey, there is no substitute for time.

Whether or not you see it as part of the steep process, it is. It gets things moving quicker. But you’re right, time is the most important factor. And knowing when more is needed too.

I never use added heat, mine gets the perfect amount just from stirring with a spin bar.

I just meant that for my own purposes, I don’t try to use heat to speed the process along. But, yes, obviously anything you do to your liquid is a part of processing.

If i’m in a rush i will heat at 50°c (122°f) in an ultrasonic cleaner for 4 hours. Heres a strawberry cream after 2 hours:

I will also overnight bath them at 50°c (122°f) as an alternative to the above.

I’m not aware of any difference between my speed methods and normal time steeping in regards to flavour and nicotine hit.