Watch your debit at gas pumps

Ooorah @deb_laing.


Heya Fidalgo , dam brother I’m sorry this happened to you first off . Just a word to go along with the gas pumps. When you drive up to an ATM reach out the window and grab the card reader& try to pull it off the atm. Seriously ATM machines are pretty indestructible so don’t worry that your gonna break it. If it’s a bogus skimmer/reader it’ll come of in your hand without a whole lot of effort. I’ve got 4 of them somewhere in a box . I’ve pulled them all left handed (I’m a righty) hope you never find one , but … now you know :v:t3::facepunch:t3::v:t3:


The good part is I havent ordered in a few days from anywhere…The bad part is im having withdrawals lmao…Ty for the advice such a crazy thing that people are doing this. I would have never known , i guess I need to start paying more attention to current fraud activities


Yeah I figured I better say something cuz it made the news here too :slightly_frowning_face:


Takea a lot of balls to go put something on a ATM they are supposed to have cameras all over WTF


Great advice. We should be doing that at gas pumps too. They make them look exactly the same and it’s very difficult to tell the difference unless you grab it and try pulling it off, like you said.


This happened to me, gas pump fraud, law enforcement does not give one shit we’re getting ripped of, my bank did give me my money back but it took about 10 days, there are thing’s to check before inserting a credit card, don’t get gas at just any place any longer,


Costco gas from this point on …Ive talked to them and before they open up they check for these skimmer things . If I cant get to Costco which is rare unless traveling then I’ll use cash


I was skimmed four times in one year! Bank always covered my ass so no loss except time for replacement card. On the last time this happened, I borrowed my wife’s card of the same account. It turns out the chip broke. Normally I would get a replacement; however, it’s un-skimmable :nerd_face: . You have to insert the card into the reader and let it fail reading the chip. Repeat that two more times and then it will allow you to swipe the card as is done with non-chipped cards. If the reader doesn’t have a swipe slot, such as the gas pumps, it will just ask you zip code after three failures. I’ve been doing it this way for about two years now. It does suck if a place has a particularly slow machine but it’s not a problem for the fast machines.


Crazy…I still am blown away because a lot of these places are 24hrs you would think it would ve noticeable someone putting a skimmer on . The cashiers dont pay attention though


A pickup with a camp/work shell or a van is enough to block line of site of the pump.


it was on the Tv news a good while back. they had a tech expert say that it took just a few seconds to mount the reader.