VTAs version of Graham Cracker I assume by the smell and name.
I have not tried it solo yet though and though I’ve added it to one or two mixes, I haven’t tried it at a high enough percentage to be dominant or rather - the mixes I’ve used it in have had other flavours at a high enough % to mute it a fair amount.
Part the reason why I’m using that as the highest percentage: I’ve created mixes where several of the other flavours have been the highest % in the mix so far, but not the Biscuit Base so I’ll make that 5% for the crunchy nut cornflakes with the 2% Pyrazine boosting it - hopefully withouit overtaking it - since it’s a breakfast cereal I’m thinking the more cereal the better and Biscuit Base is pretty mild.
I also haven’t tried Shisha Banana as the highest % or dominant flavour, which I will do with the Banana Cream I’ll do, but I’ve also tried that in one or two hodge-podge mixes and I’m pretty happy with how UNlike the other Banana I’ve got in the cupboard.
The other one is the VapeKing banana I bought 2 years ago, and has a very candy-like flavour that is veeery strong: 2 drops and it seems to be all you can taste in a mix.
The Shisha Banana though - while I’ve kinda put it off because the Vapeking banana kinda put me off banana a bit - has a fulla but more rounded and softer banana flavour, and even in one mix where I added, well I don’t know exactly but a reasonable amount, it didn’t overtake the mix completely - it’s very much there but sort of hanging in the middle-background.
Ripe Banana - that’s the actual name of the Vapeking one, it’s not disgusting, it’s just SO strong and yeah candy-like in it’s flavour.
Certainly good value far as strength goes.
But the Biscuit Base, this will be the first mix I’ve mixed that’ll allow me to try it as the primary flavour, which I’ll assume will need a similar steep time to the custard and dairy?
It’s also yeah - I’ve got no other nut/cereal-based mixes, so I’m keen to - have one
The Sweet Honey is good too: even at high amounts it doesn’t taste fake at all: tastes like actual honey.