We need to do something now

Thank you for your trust…
I may yet find five people that agree with me…before my sojourn [hopefully] above.
Well, maybe three… :smile_cat:

My driveway is always open [if you announce yourself ], the music is usually played,
the jars are always available, the food is always delicious, the dress code is best at
the lowest volume in society [for trusting purposes with the neighbors][ they may stop you before you get to my driveway],
the girls rarely wear makeup, wear long flowing dresses, and can sing like birds, and carry guns and knives, but are very friendly, especially if you get up and dance with them [they will usually lead though, be prepared], the showers always have hot water, there is always a place to sleep comfortably, and most of the kids are smarter than the adults…so if a child tells you your thingy is hanging out, trust them, and adjust yourself. It’s a mellow, full life down at the end of this road, and the only shit you will see is shit you start, but I will bet you won’t SEE it when it ends. If you don’t believe in God, don’t visit, if you don’t like the scriptures, don’t visit…one of the GrandMa’s may stop the music at any time…and read something from the Bible. It won’t take long , interrupt the festivities, but if you are smart…I would be quiet and listen.
It may sound like too many rules, too much structure, too much anything for enjoyment, but if you were here once, I would bet you would never be the same anywhere ever again.
If you don’t get shot on the driveway [attitude] you will surely have a good time.
[we charge for the second visit]


Sounds like my kind of fun… My wife is a classically trained singer in opera, but she can sing anything, it is a beautiful thing to hear her praise the Lord. My 9 year old daughter is home schooled and knows many scriptures by heart. Everyone should carry a gun or knife in my opinion. You have something good going there :smile:


I simply live in an area that I approve of, and made it by choice…that make any sense?
I believe, I am certain, that everyone should be armed to defend themselves against any violation,
even your 9 year old daughter…that shouldn’t have to in the first place.
Please don’t mistake me for a Bible-thumper, I am far short of that.
Have you ever had a good drink from a mason jar? [not iced tea]

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Yes I have been able to sip from a mason jar. It’s a rare treat. I live in a small town in Kansas and I am not a Bible thumper either just a man who has experienced grace and not ashamed. My father in law is a blue grass musician and I love country living as I spent most of my life in cities. The older I get the more I appreciate the simple life. I would love to share a jar with you and swap stories. You seem like an interesting brother @Ozo what flavors are in your mason jars?

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You are a very fortunate one…and please never give up on the basics.
I am 74 yrs old, most would kick to the curb, hard-headed, and not ready for change.
Old dog-new tricks, eh? So most young folks think…
Many, at my age, understand what change really means, and have experienced what greatness in value it has.
Imagine living with an outhouse, and not having running water in the house…was it better times?
What about commercially produced toilet paper ? Oh hell,Ozo…we don’t talk about sensitive things !
Ever wiped with a leaf, or worse, a page from a catalog? Ask a woman what she prefers to use
simply wiping after peeing. Ya, fuk,…too sensitive, but is it not a daily part of life?
We are so fukd up these days, and our crying in fear is about the least fearsome things.

Flavors in the jars…hmmmm…they are as varied now as e-juice recipes, but the upside is…there are no bad recipes I have had. The best is still a 120 proof sour mash with a gob of fresh honeycomb in the quart jar, for sipping and shots, aged at least 2 years.

Think about our society today, our friends on these DIY forums, who have a panty-wad, hissy fit, over their e-juice having to age for a week or two…oh my God…a MONTH??? And expect greatness…
They have no clue what it used to take,just to survive.

Some people today, would starve, if there was no ‘drive thru’ or a phone call to get pizza.


“And we shall know him by the lack of applesauce.” -Book of Homer, Ch 2, v 13

I think he padded it so later in life we could use it instead of our knees. I do resemble and understand that for sure.


CAW! :bird: Salutations from across the Realms ozo and my other Realm traveling brethren! :peace: & :heart: ! I read this thread. For some reason the Good Lord said I should offer up one of my favorites, from the Bible, for your consideration…so I will! :wink: I chose this particular version not to endorse or promote any one Religion. I chose this one because it is the version of what is known as “The Canticle of The Creatures” that resonates best with me. I did read James 3; but the whole Chapter! :slight_smile: Thank you. It was a very good read. I hope you enjoy my humble offering, as food for our mutual journeys through this Realm, and hope it is, for you, like me, food for my thoughts, heart, spirit, and soul. :peace: :heart: & CAW! From Daniel Chapter 3:bird:


AMEN! Right on!

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I posted a long paragraph at the Dr Oz ling GPC2012 posted and hope I said the right things that perhaps some people will chill out or understand vaping a little better.