Ok, I have an odd question. Let’s say you have two flavors mixed at 10% single flavor in two separate bottles that have been well steeped (a couple of weeks). If you mix those together so that the final mix = 5% each flavor, does it need to be steeped again to get the full potential of flavor, or would it be good to go?
Depends on what the two flavors are, but generally speaking yes. A day or two might do the trick or a week. You just have to experiment.
I have a peach and a mango, nether of which I’m loving on their own. I think I’ll go ahead and mix them 50/50 and check back in a few days.
I don’t know for sure, but my gut reaction would to say that although the steeping of the initial flavors and vg/pg has taken place in the separate batches that after mixing the two together, there will still need to be some steeping needed.
I look at steeping as the process of infusing the flavoring to the pg/vg. Since the two separate batches have infused their properties to their own batches the pg/vg in batch 1 hasn’t infused it’s properties to the new pg/vg that has been added to it and vice versa for that second batch going into the first. I wouldn’t think that as long a steep would be required, both batches has infused to the pg/vg they were with and mixing the two may not be noticeably different later as being more steeped or not to the pallet (is that spelt correctly ?).
I’m just guessing here, good question though, I mix different batches together all the time. I would like to know the real answer myself.
Here is a peach mango juice that is pretty good, I need to play with it slightly more, it’s a bit strong as it currently stands in the notes I plan on decreasing the total flavor of the recipe… you may wish to try something on this line:
peachy melon mango
10.00% Juicy Peach (CAP)
10.00% Watermelon (TPA)
5.00% Mango (FA)
2.50% Ethyl Maltol (PG)
My notes: Strong flavor, may want to drop total flavor down from 27.5% to about 18% the flavors work well but seems to be too much.
Very nice fruit taste after 2 months+ steep
Based off of the following but using different versions of flavoring:
Heck, I’ll pour different single flavor testers together just in a tank, and then swirl them a bit.
Sure it’s not the same as a steeped mix. You might get one flavor more forward than the other then maybe even vice-versa later, but it’s good enough to give you an idea what a proper mix would turn out like IMO.
They haven’t revoked my Winging-It privileges yet.
Thanks! I like strong flavors a lot, so I might try it out as is. But… Two months steep time! You’re killin me smalls! Lol I’m so not the patient type. I guess that’s something I need to work on.
Winging-it is my fucking middle name
lol… It’s just that I picked it up after it was in the back of the cabinet after 2 months time, and vaped it and said…"Hey this is pretty good after 2 months steep…"
It’s a good vape after a few days to a week.
Ahh yes. The random two month steep. Oh I how I know those well.
I mix 2 and sometimes 3 or 4 rejects (steeped and not considered good) and vape them immediately. I use RDA’s and 2 drop of this and 4 drops of that mix. No steeping and works well most of the time. Go for it, it’s not like you are ever going to mix the reject combo again.
Spoken like a true blue B-type personality individual! Solidarity Brother!
Steeping is the devil! I think steeping is the hardest hurdle to overcome in DIY , it was for me.
After I found three mixes that I enjoyed, and could enjoy, day in and day out I was able to make and mix a few recipes and wait. Now my problem is I don’t need to mix so I don’t work on many new recipes like I once did.
If you are using a lot of VG, unfortunately it has to permeate the VG. If you heat it a bit it helps it bind to the VG faster, shaking it gets all the molecules and particles talking to each other, a little alcohol can help but a couple days minimum is best from “my experience”.
A UC is a big help when mixing two existing juices. A couple hours in it and it’s usually good to go. But time is always good when mixing juices.
I’ve been toying around with the idea of getting one, I imagine it would help with speeding up the steeping process a bit. I really am so sooo impatient! My husband might kill me if I buy another gadget though… Lol
Do like I did, I told my wife that’s all I wanted for my birthday. She thought I was nuts, but when she looked at them and discovered she could clean her jewelry in it she was all for it.
Damn it, my birthday isn’t till October. I did order $80 of flavors for mother’s day, so I’m right there with ya. Hmmm… Memorial day present maybe? Nope, I want liquor for that.
There’s always flag day or fathers day, other than that you got the fourth of July coming. lol
Honestly I bought mine more for cleaning attys (careful they can shake those tiny screws right out of your RDAs!) and small hardware than for power-steeping. I do run all my fresh mixes thru it for half an hour before shaking the heck outta them, but I’m not convinced it makes a huge difference, tho I’ve never done any real testing or anything to check.
It’s great for bringing freezer VG nic base up to room temp quickly too.