Well looky here

That’s the exact reason why I much prefer a solid metal construction over the plastic ones, I also like that reassuring extra weighty feel in my hand that it gives. For some reason the extra weight gives the mod a sense of quality although the internals are equally as important.


I must admit to building a love of the C- frame. But, when it comes to panels, I just use them as temporary mounts for old minis: I have a fair few Death Jesters from the 1988 RTB06 series resting on the side panels of a Rincoe Manto Beast. If I don’t use something, it joins the tools and bits drawers.


I’m all for recycling so it’s always nice to see a redundant item being put to good use.
I also have a few “tools and bits drawers” to the disapproval of my better half. When she is in her busy tidy up mood she will take the most obscure item that she can find out a drawer and hold it up to me enquiring in a sharp voice “What do you want to keep this thing for?” and I give her my usual answer saying that it might come in handy one day. This is a rather repetitive situation that we engage in and the said item gets put back into the drawer until the next time history repeats itself.


Luckily my more aesthetically pleasing half has seen me make countless works from rubbish and sell them at impressive prices.

That reminds me to work on a few deranged Ork ships.


I think my bits drawers get excessive when it comes to my Games Workshop bits. I need to do a sort soon as ‘30k Mk6 Marines box 3’ is not that handy when I’m after a specific part.


But you Sir are a wizard and an alchemist and alas I am not although I do descend from a long line of mad engineering geniuses.:face_with_monocle::crazy_face:


Shipping with a $90 min purchase from Sourcemore is free? There are times when I’ve dropped a few hundred dollars on mods and coils and I was never offered free shipping. What is your secret code?


Before posting this, I read their shipping info, and thats what it stated. I’ve never spent that much on their website, so can’t say it’s 100% accurate. I think I did a test purchase and thats where I read it, but honestly can’t remmber.


Thank you for your info.