What Are You Listening To? (Part VI) 2022/23

Well bots can become rather demented, especially after they talk to each other. As such, this leaped to mind:


@SquirrelSmash I don’t like using the omg thing but OMG that was my favorite song as a child lol


Nice to know that my demented mind brought joy to your day.


Gotta admit Tim, same here. I didn’t even need to play the video … I just sang it all in my head. It’s been at least 50 years and I knew the lyrics :thinking:


Good sweet red wine infused gravy, I better add a playlist of such things.


I’m listening to Tim Parker’s tv themes after hearing about this failure to keep living.

I have always loved his scoring of the original House of Cards: three series I love so much that I avoided the remake for years.

Most argue over whether The House of Cards Trilogy or Life on Mars (obviously not the horrific US remake) is the best UK series of all time.


@muth Here’s Guards! Guards!: it is OK to enjoy it before Mort:

It gives an introduction to Ankh-Morpork, the Night Watch, The Unseen University and it’s library along with many key characters and plot threads. The only issue is that the University is more important in Mort.


So how did you decide?


Well, I thought of introducing the series with two books which focus on Death: with Small Gods seeing his general function around a profound religious event. Mort shows him from a more personal side but also shows the general matter-of-fact way utterly fantastical events are portrayed.

So, they give a great opener to the world.

Guards! Guards! also sets up things that are rather important throughout many of the other works. So I always recommend reading it early on. Wyrd Sisters is also one like it, as aspects of the world and its witches are fully developed here.


Listening to some relaxing post-rock…

The Echelon Effect - Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight


A nice one. The strings, bells and what may be Singing Bowls really adds to a calming ambient.

I’ll wait until the 29th to go through all the groups I love in this style it in detail, as I will be examining Sigur Rós in relation to The Fountain then:

I can share the end as the movie requires guidance to appreciate it.


Oddly my gander, your ganger isn’t matching Uganda:

It’s a shame that we tend to lack open dictators these days: we have 11 to 14 at the moment but only 3 openly accept the title.


Well, in Buddhism it is said that if you want to understand life you must first understand death. Might be a good starting point for me at this time.

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As long is you remember that Death is Death and not death: Oldy efficient and cold to some but trying to be more human.

This sums up Mort for me:

" The only thing known to go faster than ordinary light is monarchy, according to the philosopher Ly Tin Wheedle. He reasoned like this: you can’t have more than one king, and tradition demands that there is no gap between kings, so when a king dies the succession must therefore pass to the heir instantaneously. Presumably, he said, there must be some elementary particles – kingons, or possibly queons – that do this job, but of course succession sometimes fails if, in mid-flight, they strike an anti-particle, or republicon. His ambitious plans to use his discovery to send messages, involving the careful torturing of a small king in order to modulate the signal, were never fully expanded because, at that point, the bar closed."

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Whoa! I have no idea what this movie is but…the tree. Everyday I visit a tree and I have a ritual with it. I won’t get into details but I touch my forehead to it. Sometimes I imagine that if someone were to cut it down that I would not be able to live. I took a photo of it so I could always have it with me just in case. I don’t care if you call me a kook. I’m not a “tree hugger”, I’m just drawn to this tree for unknown reasons.


Well, I’d just suggest keeping scarifying virgins to it confined to PMs. I only touch heads with them when trying to navigate while offensively drunk.


Trees are alive and beautiful and capture memories. Some people are just drawn to them more than others and there doesn’t need to be a reason why. As my Father who was a professional arborist would always say, “It takes a hundred years to grow a hundred year old tree”. We would laugh at him because of how obvious a statement that is, but it’s something that has stuck with me my entire life and is something I’ll never forget.


Have you given it deeper thought as to its meaning?

The tree doesn’t hold any present memories for me. I just know that I feel a sense of security and protection when I’m in it’s close perimeter. The location, North Hill in Needham, MA was settled in 1680, a long history for the US.


Naw, you’re a tree-foreheader-er

It is a lovely tree. May it never fall.


Ha, you never fail to crack me up. Actually, another large tree behind it fell right on it due to a storm. I wish I had the equipment to ride right in there and remove it.