What are your fav coil heads for the smoke TFV4 tank?

what are your best coils for the smoke tfv4 tank, for flavour. Thanks

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I like the TF-STC2 Stainless Steel ones the best. Recently tried the TF-T4 quad Claptons and they were good on flavor too. Think I prefer the Stainless overall. Have tried all of the coils they make except the two high resistance ones TF-T2 and TF-T2 Air and the octuple core Clapton TF-T8. No interest in the non sub ohm ones and haven’t found the octo in stock when I was making an order.

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I just ordered one of the octo claptons from ebay. I’m not ready to spend $25+ on a pack of 5 when I’m not sure if I’ll like them, so I found one for $10/free shipping. It’s not a terrible price considering single ones are ~$5 plus shipping everywhere else I’ve looked.

I’ve only tried the tri and quad. I like the quad a little better than the tri.


TF-STC2 or TF-Ti - but above all, the TF-R2 rebuildable deck :slightly_smiling:


thanks for the inout guys


TF-R2 rebuildable


Definitely the dual RBA. I have a Nickel build in mine and it’s fantastic.


I got 2 triple claptin rbs on the way from gearbest . comes with 2 T4 coils . $9 a set, or my wife did should I say lol. but it will be like a month or so before I see them. mean while all I have is a T3 coil, and its kenthal lol

Bought the TF-R2 thinking it would work on the mini, but it doesn’t. Dry hits every time. I think it’s too wide to allow the juice to flow freely. I’ve tried every wicking option I can think of. Guess I’ll have to buy the big tank now that I have the RBA.
Talk about buying the cart before the horse…

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Just got the tf-t8 (octo clapton) and oh my lord it goes through juice fast. I thought the quad and tri the tank comes with went through it quick. I’m only using 50 watts just like I do with the other coils. No joke I have a headache and am considering switching from 3mg to 1mg because of this coil.

Has a great flavor though and doesn’t take nearly as long to break in compared to the tri and quad coils that came with the tank.