Heres one of the flavors –
Just curious if anyone knows what it stands for. Thanks!
Heres one of the flavors –
Just curious if anyone knows what it stands for. Thanks!
I would need more info to even guess, but the only ingredients that have anything related to flavors/scents that use the acronym LGO is LorAnn oils, and I seriously doubt any would safely vape them, although I have heard some do.
Best bet is…if you can’t thoroughly research a product, DON’T use it.
I think it’s a spanish/argentinian vendor - the flavors may be rebottled TPA - not sure…
EDIT: Strike that. I think I found it. It’s an Argentinian vendor called La Gran Obra:
Thanks, daath! I’ve never heard of them before. Hope to try some of their stuff some day.
I don’t actually think they make their own flavoring - I bet it’s just TPA or maybe TPA and some others…
I hope not. SO many places do that. I just emailed them and asked them some questions. It didn’t look like they rebottled them. But what it could be is making their own blends from other known brands and selling them. We’ll see what they say. I’ll let you know if you’d like.