That fixed it, thanks
Thanks for your hard work! Going to play now YAAY.
I just tried /whatcanimake?q=&exclsingle=1&missing=0 and it says I can make Check cookies which includes FW Hard Candy which I don’t have. I can’t see any duplicate flavours in my stash.
You have at least 3 dupes in your stash - I think I hide them, to prevent unnecessary confusion
Not working for me “You are missing ingredients”
That’s because you have so many dupes in your stash… Did you at some point add multiple of the same, like “TFA Strawberry”, “TPA Strawberry”, “Strawberry (TPA)” etc? Because it looks like it! One of the flavors you have 7 duplicates of…
Sorry for adding dupes, will sort it out asap. But some recipes come up with flavors that I don’t have like “Double Chocolate (Clear) (TPA)” for instance, I’m confused
I am working on a fix. No need to do anything yourself. Next time the “What can I make”-cache is dumped you should get good results.
Thank you so much! I don’t know what I’d do without ELR! Respect
Dearest @daath , my FA flavours are playing up. I’ve created two recipes, one using Butter (FA) and one using Caramel (FA) - both are in my stash and correctly formatted (I think), but in the recipe it’s adding double brackets to FA - ((FA)) and telling me it’s a missing ingredient? Any ideas? Does what I’m saying even make sense?
Yes it totally does @Lolly i am seeing the same for Cream Fresh - there is def some weirdness
Ah, sorry. I committed something I thought was smart, but it wasn’t I reverted it and it should now be back to normal…
Awesome. Thanks so much for all the work you do.
Does the donate button disappear once you donate? Id like to donate more once in a while but dont see the button, then i forget, lol.
If you go to your page, it’s underneath the Provide Feedback button
As Lolly says, once you donate, I hide it at the bottom of “My page/favorites”
The bug should be gone now - You should all be able to sort by rating and go to other pages.
Excellent well done - Thank you.
I was too slow in figuring that one out. I saw a video of it - and what immediately caught my attention was that Sherlock kept re-appearing - After I that it took me 3 minutes to figure out
Repeat caching of results?