My other half thinks I’m a total nutter and gives me a major guilt trip any time I buy anything vape related. Of course, I am my other half, so I guess that makes me all nutty.
In all seriousness, I love my hobby and I kinda like not having to answer to anyone but myself about it. It’s not going anywhere and if someone new happens to come along…well, vaping came first. LoL. The only other person that has to ‘put up’ with it is my daughter. We live with a friend who smokes in the house downstairs (we live in an upstairs garage apartment type thing), and we can always smell when she’s smoking. My daughter makes a big to-do about coughing and choking every time she smells it and then says she’s glad I don’t smoke any more.
I’ve managed to convert my sister and brother-in-law indirectly (the watched me for about two years before they took the plunge), then my mom switched and that surprised me. She seemed really set in her ways and was a pretty hardcore smoker. She hid it from her mother and from her church friends, and I think she feels a lot less guilty now, which makes me happy. I’m still working on my other sister and her husband (who I am not holding out much hope for at this point). My sis is interested and asked me to make her some juice that doesn’t hurt her throat, so wish me luck on that one. I think the two of them are starting to feel left out since nobody goes outside to smoke with them during family gatherings anymore.
What’s my other half think about me vaping? She wants to hang me by my testicles and watch me suffer. Not really, that was before I started vaping…lol. Nearly daily I would hear “You stink so bad I don’t even want to kiss you”. Chinese Water Torture had nothing on her! That was slightly over 2 years ago now. She’s now a happy camper and I never hear a adverse word about my vaping. Now taking over the kitchen 2 days a week when blending sometimes bothers her but she does realize it is a necessity and tolerates it much better than most would. Like most spouses, they realize their hubby may stick around a little longer thanks to vaping and their spouse quitting smoking…
She still smokes a little, but not much. She hates vaping, it makes her cought apparently. She loves that I do it instead of smoking, because I was a very heavy smoker. The only time I get in trouble, is when I chuck clouds in the living room…
Bit old of a thread, but I just found it, and so I shall share.
My girlfriend does not smoke cigarettes, or vape. When we got together, I felt guilty lighting up around her. She always said she didnt care because she was just used to it from her mom and other people, but that made no difference to me, I didnt want to smell like it, or taste like it anytime we kissed. I started vaping instead. It hasnt exactly been cheaper since cost of juice and coils and constant replacing of crappy low end ego set ups seemed to cost about the same as just buying packs… so I decided I wanted to make my own juice, and she supported me 100%… little did she know it’d become an obsession of mine to learn it… LOL… But, her aunt does DIY also and her dad vapes, and now her mom is starting to vape and learn DIY also… So when I first told her about wanting to, she messaged her mom to talk to her aunt and get some info on it, and found some vendor sites, and shortly after stumbled upon this amazing place. I think it bothers her, how much time I spend on here, and studying up on everything i need to know, but she does occasionally get involved and really lays on the inspiration for recipes, and seems to have a good time helping me guess what would go good together… because of her I think i have a head start on some pretty awesome unique recipes to experiment and perfect later. She doesnt like the vapor hanging in the air, but she doesn’t say much, I think she is just glad i quit smoking and found something I can be passionate about doing and enjoy, again… most of my old hobbies have been so far neglected I lost motivation for them… She might not ‘Love’ it, but she is happy that I do, and believes I will make some great mixes and tho it might annoy her to listen to me ramble on about it often, she tries to be excited with me anyway… She finger tastes some of the flavors and sits and looks up stuff with me about it, like today she found some other all organic stevia brands on a website she orders from regularly, and immediately thought of me and showed me, all excited and happy to help… I am glad I haven’t driven her insane, and I love that even if it annoys her sometimes, she is still supportive and enjoys helping anyway she can
She’s a keeper! There is nothing more annoying than someone who is always on you for doing something that you love. My ex-wife used to get on me about breathing.
My wife smoked 5 or so a day, very light. Would have a few more if socialising but none more than that. She quit a little while before me, cold turkey, but is supportive of me vaping.
Doesn’t get pissy when I vape in the kitchen and then in front of the TV after the kids are in bed, she’s wonderful. Finds it highly amusing the amount of DIYs I’ve made over this weekend and still not found a good shake and vape though, “Thought it was meant to be cheaper than smoking!?”
Hopefully I’ll get there with the DIY! Determined to not go back to store bought but can be very impatient!
We both quit the smokes together, and both of us have been vaping since [3yrs now]
She’s delighted that I finally got around to trying out DIY tbh, I’m still spending money, but I’m getting a much greater return for it. Those times where we’d fight over that last few ml of Beard #05 or whatever, are done with Between us we were spending almost as much as when we were smoking on premium juices. Now we’re not watching how many mls the other is vaping daily. Plenty spare.
My wife just bitched about me vaping in the house she says it stinks up the whole house maybe I should fire up the big fat Cuban cigar I just got and show her what stinking up the fucking house really is !
My hubby is thrilled because he can just take a look at my flavor stash and put in a request for a flavor profile. And we’re spending WAAAAAAAAY less money than we were spending on premade junk, I think he likes that the most.
My other half would complain all the time of the smell. Guess she didn’t care for cookies and such. The other half has been gone for 9 months. Now I’m whole again
I don’t have a traditional other half but I have a bestie, like a brother to me who teases me about huffing. Then he’ll turn around and tell me how proud he is that I really quit smoking because he knows it’s a miracle. He still smokes, rolls his own and is the type where if I bugged him to switch it would have the opposite effect. He’s curious about the technical aspects though, about coils and power and such so I keep my fingers crossed. One night we were out to eat near my favorite vape shop so we stopped in to pick up some coils. He excitedly informed me that this unearthly fog bank we’d walked into smelled like root beer and apple pie. Over all he’s supportive he just can’t help givin’ me shit sometimes.
Bless your heart! Well… I used to be extremely careful at my workplace with when and where I vaped because of the smell of the flavorings in my juices. I had to deal with a few vape nazis because of the smell… though to me it was a wonderful odor… to them, it was kin to dog shit on the bottom of their shoes.
This happened more often when I was vaping synthetic concentrates. Now, with vaping my self produced 100% NET (tobacco) juices, for some reason, the vapor I emit carries no definable odor which is offensive to others. I can taste it, my olfactory senses pick up on the wonderful flavor particles… but no one else can. Win! Win!
Good luck with your issue… just don’t go back to smoking big fat Cuban cigars! Although they are delicious… you can obtain almost the same satisfaction with a cigar NET juice! …better actually, because there’s no combustion factor! …just the pure flavor of the leaf.
I’ve been trying to get the wife to switch for years now. She has a low wattage mod top with a Goblin V1, high(er) resistance single coil, I put together for her, she occasionally draws on but she is still a regular smoker.
I have her smell, and sometimes even taste my new creations. She puts up with it as long as I keep it to a couple of flavors and bring it to her. I know I’ve got something headed in the right direction when it makes her crave whatever the profile is.
She complained once about my mixing stash. I then did a comparison of cost vs her cigarettes. She hasn’t said a word of it since.
That cigar was a gift and I was actually afraid to take it God knows how I really enjoyed a good cigar but after not touching a cigarette in over a year I don’t want to
do anything that could possibly get me smoking again and I know from experience a cigar will lead to another and another then I’ll end up buying just a pack of cigarettes and then bam I’m right back where i started from it’s happened before. I worked too damn hard to get this far it will probably just sit in my humidor which is now my steeping box anyway…
the people I work with are great they all tell me how good my vape smells even the hard core smoker haters like it . Now my wife on the other hand is very sensitive to any smell I think she’s got a brain tumor lol maybe I’ll just mix up some
non-flavored juice for inside the house ?
I have a better idea……shred that cigar, stick it in a Mason jar, cover it with PG (or VG) and then let it sit in a cool closet for 6 to 8 months. Come Xmas time you’ll have a mighty fine cigar NET that will knock your socks off!