What flavors do the Big companies use?

They probably do not use FW or TFA but what do they use?

To steal a phrase, " those that know aint saying ", but we do have some professional mixologist running around here. Now I am sure that they can not divulge their company secrets, but if you read between the lines, or just take their advice about what NOT to do,

BTW, in the recipe section, search for clone. Some people have done a pretty good job at figuring out what is in them, maybe not exactly, but then you are welcome to go out and blow 30 or 40 on the real deal.

welcome to the forums ,


@ringling mixes for his shop using both of those primarily, as they are the most cost effective flavors to use. I know for a fact the juice I was getting from a previous supplier that was made in house was made solely with TPA flavors, as he said so when he quit making them and even gave me a couple recipes for my favorites. It’s not like there are THAT many flavor companies to choose from. I would imagine it is a mix of companies for the higeher priced juices because they can afford the overhead and mostly the less expensive brands for the more economically priced juice. I think a lot of the better liquid manufacturers started off as DIYers, so it’d make sense that they’d use what we all do…which is typically a variety of whatever we feel works best.


Jojo, obviously I do not know what flavors all Vape Shops use but those I do know use mostly TFA. Those in the know will enhance their juices with the best of FW and Cap. Of course we are speaking US Vape Shops. What you said is very true. You hit the nail on the head…

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I bet we’d all be very surprised where the big boys get their flavorings; most likely from overseas??? And as @ringling has said, most vendors probably only use about 3 flavors in their mixes and some sweetner…keep the cost of doing business low and you stay in business.

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