@muth I’ve actually always been 60/40 DTL/MTL since the beginning, and have an array of MTL. Despite loving cloud chucking, hehe, sometimes, it’s not always convenient LOL, so my MTL has never withered. I have tons of Berserkers, but never got in on the Kayfun train, but the Prime I have, is pretty damned good. I think I’ll pick up an X just to see.
April Fool idea: If you know someone who uses the SwiftKey keyboard on their phone, change it to the Ninja theme while they’re not looking
Lol huehuehuehuehuehue
It was finally warm and sunny out today… Got outside on my bike and I feel totally refreshed. Feels like it’s been months, I usually force myself to go in the cold, it’s just not as fun though.
I live in the Chicago area. Been getting the 40 degree temps since Sunday. Don’t ride a bike but girl needs to walk and run and do her thing💩 Walk her everyday including the subzero we just got. Dress in layers and you should always be warm.
Yes I can dress warm, but there’s just a massive burst of energy and happiness I get when the sun is shining and the air is warm. I suddenly felt 15 years younger. I felt happy to be alive. Just doesn’t hit the same when it’s colder.
Beautiful, serene day for some kayak time!
… capped off with quiet time on a wooded bank with charcuterie and tea.
No way!! We would’ve never guessed!!! Lol
Your cup holder doesn’t work, or are you getting bored?!
Does he think his boss is crazy too?! J/k SD.
Throwback, When we were kids and vacationed to the Jersey Shore. My Dad made it a point to dine here
Looks like everything would have been nicer back then.
Those look like Hornady critical defense hollow points! .380 or 9mm?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a flashlight that has a hot surface warning. It must be super powerful for the size!!! Just don’t shine it around a yellow jacket nest at night. Can it really shine 1000ft??? That’s wild.
Good eyes on the rounds there @Mediocre_Remedial. Critical Defense in the 9, and Critical Duty in the 45.
A couple of my tacticals have the hot surface warnings, BUT, the EDC27 @ 3100 lumens is insane !!! Yes, I think it’ll hit 1000. The strobe mode (also at 3100) is equally insane.