WHAT Has Made You Smile Today? (III)

I didn’t really think it was you, but I thought it was a highly amusing ‘coincidence’.
I don’t know much about block theory. I’ve heard the one about time not existing at all, so everything is actually happening at the same time.
Our senses create time else we go mad.
We do anyway.


Yes, we create a personal reality tunnel which forms your mind’s perception of reality - what reality actually is cannot be easily defined. But, two perceptions can agree on what something they both observe is and so a working model of existence exists.

Time being linear for observers mainly comes down to the operation of entropy and the limitations of closed timelike geodesics. As the maximum speed of light is fixed [I am using maximum speed (i.e. C) as it is possible to travel faster than light when you slow time down] you cannot rotate a timelike cone towards the past.


So that basically means there will never be a time machine. So my theory that the world must be full of time travellers at this very interesting moment in time is shot to smithereens.
However, the lines going into the future are determined by the actions of the present.

Which, in my eyes, makes the present the most important. Today I decide how my future will be in every little thing that I do.
I can make friends or enemies in a spit second.

We do have our own personal time machine though. Well, I know I have one.
The past is very present at certain times. I can be right back. Not in the physical sense of course.
Our internal world is not bound by physical limitations. I’m sure I’m not telling you anything new Mr Wizard.


It doesn’t restrict time travel into the future, that has already been done, but it limits time travel to the past in this universe.

Well said: Our present is the collection of our current perception of the past and ensuring that you approach the past with different eyes than the present ones will give you a truer perspective. That’s how I would simplify it.

I have just got back from a herb and spice hunt and one of the local homeless guys saw me selecting my wormwood, rue and other oddities and shouted ‘How’s you Mr. Wizard?’ This may partly come come from the fact that when I pass a homeless guy, I’ll ask what they want based on what is nearby.


That’s the one I was talking about.


Some go into the bootstrap and grandfather paradoxes in regard to this. Sadly, that does have the issue of an intelligence controlling time - I tend to avoid relying on an additional entity when it is not required. There are already enough Djinn, Gremlins and Biro Gnomes to deal with in our lives.

It is much easier to imagine relying on two spinning blackholes creating an Einstein-Rosen bridge with divergent timelines (or universes) akin to the 1985A.


Having a quiet day of getting fresh munch and making simple rustic meals. Having fresh beetroot to hand aided in making a mighty relish (Slovakian beetroot, Greek black olives, homegrown spring onion, wild mint, Huevo de Pera tomatoes, lemon mayonnaise and Greek yoghurt) for a beef and kidney burger.

Yes, I am a man who likes simple things, though I ensure that they are the best available.


I’m having myself a quiche today. I didn’t slaughter the pig for the bacon, neither did I milk the cow to get the cream. The eggs are from farmer Pieter and I’m sure he gathered them lovingly.
At least it’s a step up from shoving a ready made supermarket meal in the oven.

It might be a leftover from a traumatic episode in one of my previous lives.
Hanging over a cooking pot stirring soup too often could lead to very unpleasant things.
Better safe than sorry.


Well, I would only ever expect you to milk a cat.


Having the time to finish a few models for one of my personal armies.

They’re not all to Golden Demon levels as they are the ones I use to engage in games and have fun at tournaments with. Although, excessive amounts of freehand work and hinting at it being recovered countless times over the millennia are the core to my Bale Ravens (a mixed successor to the Dark Angels and Raven Guard, though limited to 30k technology).


Getting the gift I thought would suit my little Monster the best: She currently loves Black Clover but still loves playing with Harry Potter Lego, so one thing came to mind as the fun gift. (I can take her through the magic squares in some grimoires later to try and get her to view maths as having a degree of fun to it).

I also got the one missing ingredient for my infamous Six Demon Bag drink. 250g of Wormwood adds the key rounding element.

A drink to put hairs on your eyeballs and make intangible entities run away.


Never follow any news outlets so I was not really familiar with the guy, apart from seeing a few snippets.
The recent uproar penetrated under my rock and I like the guy.

His last speech.

And then they booted him out.


He’s the man who has been fired by the top 3 US broadcasters. Sadly he is a rather dull individual when all is considered.


Dull or not, he was about the only dissenting voice in the media. It’s not a good sign those people disappear.
In the Netherlands we are now dealing with a public media system that wants to ban a certain outlet for not having the right view.
I do not like the way things are going. There’s nothing democratic about it.


He just cost the last network he worked for 758 million dollars for a defamation lawsuit. He’s not worth 758 million in a decade of income. I’d of fired him too. You can’t lie and expect to keep your job.


I will admit that there are fewer contrarian commentators in the US of late. I’ve added the Hitch at his finest for your delectation

Though throughout Europe, there is no lack of satirical eyes.

The full debate:

Just the Hitch:

I still rely on this debate when my heretical arse is asked to aid in adaptive apologetics.


Oh lying was never the issue. It was him openly admitting, on recordable media, that the whole news team were lying and that none of them believed any of the bullshit they were told to report.

I expect the Far Right in the US to come-up with another deflection of reality to side-step a cast-iron case which encapsulates everything they have rallied against.


I wasn’t aware he lied. He questioned the narrative. I always thought that was the job of a journalist.
No real investigation has ever proven it one way or the other.
Court cases are usually won by smart lawyers, not facts.

I don’t care btw, I’m not into politics.
A lot of dirt they are throwing comes from private emails and I always thought people had a right to their own opinion.
The job description of an investigative journalist has changed into conspiracy theorist and that is a sad day for transparency.
Without it you cannot have a democracy.


According to your statement the entire MSM should be fired.


If you think this is outrageous. The darling of television Dr. Phil was pulled off television in this country just a few days before a show of him was aired about paedophilia in high places.
He never returned on our screen.


I generally don’t agree to such an extreme adaptation to reality: Removing methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) would profoundly impact biochemistry as we know it.