A little bit of everything.
KGB, Native Wicks. Kendo Gold and that Amazon Japanese cotton.
It is a mixture of corn, protein pellets and apples. The protein pellets are quite tasty as they are apple flavored too.
Like i mentioned i normally feed them every other day so as to not have a massive flood of deer pooping all over the yard every night. But my wife wanted to feed them every night as she is only here 2 weeks a month, i told her to go for it but to watch what happens. It took about a week but she now understands as we had 38 deer in the yard last night including several bucks. Thankfully it snowed around 8 inches since then or the yard would look like a massive CoCoa Puffs spill. Not to mention all of the fighting…
I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such beauty. Im not sure ive ever felt that way, in just a month the bad memories of months passed are like silt on the bottom of the murky pond that is my brain.
I had 2 goats once, they were mostly more pet goats than anything. They really are a mass producing chocolate raisin factory. They are also pretty smart, they figured out how to use my dog door and they would come in and watch me shower until I yelled for my husband to get those darn “peeping toms” outta there, but only after they left another chocolate raisin factory explosion in my house. I used to live in the city, now I live out in the forest/agricultural area. There is something so beautiful and Godly peaceful about living in the country. Where are you located? I live in Southern Oregon.
Im nearly in the middle of Lake Superior:
We moved down the road from our old cabin because clearing out enough trees to put down a modular home there cost more than our land here did.
I grew up in the county, far from anything really. So when i was old enough i moved to the big city, by Wisconsin standards that is. That place siphoned off bits of my soul until i could stand it no more, im kidding of course since i am a ginger and have no soul. It seems like that was a lifetime ago already.
Dude, I just love your soul. You are such a kind hearted man with great love for your wife and country.
Some sense and funny too
Don’t let the Dutch intimidate you, it’s all in English.
I was working on some papers this afternoon and completely forgot that YouTube was still playing. When I looked up, there was William Shatner, on a Segway, talking about ghosts:
A friend of mine who was born and raised in Manhattan, left the city after her mother passed away from cancer. She drove west, couldn’t stand LA and then drove north till she ran out of gas one night in Ashland, OR. She ended up staying for 11 yrs and said it was the best time in her life. That was in 1978 - 1989. She visited in the last several years and said Ashland had completely changed and was so disappointed in what she saw.
We talked about this on one of @Rocky02852 's recipe, “MC Honeycomb.”
"I agree with your friend re: Ashland. I used to ski/snowboard all the time there when I was younger, but lately, within the past 10 years or so, it has become so freaking liberal, it is such a pussified city of cowards now and resembles the new San Francisco where you have needles on the streets & parks and the homeless walking around naked and defecating anywhere.
#18 by muth, Feb 10. 2022, 10:12
Oiy! Naked people defecating in the streets, oh my! I’ve heard of being liberal but that takes it to a new level🤣."
I’m not sure how to post links correctly on this platform. MC Honeycomb
Oh, BTW, I also found Nectarine & Honeysuckle concentrate from EC Blends. I had it arranged alphabetically on my wall, then decided to put it in my 1 shot drawer, so please check out that flavor at EC Blend, too and see if you are interested in sampling that.
Your link worked like a charm. You underestimate yourself!
I don’t call that liberal, I call it degenerate, lol. It’s funny, I consider myself liberal thinking but not in the political sense. To me it means the liberty to think whatever you want to think and not judge others for the way they think. Of course, I can’t agree with the kind of thinking that’s harmful to others and some would call that subjective. To be simple about it, people can think what they want, just don’t harm life. Life is precious.
Beautifully said Muth. We need more free thinkers without fear of repercussions.
“Of course, I can’t agree with the kind of thinking that’s harmful to others”
If we want to crucify people for their “bad” thoughts then we had better get 7 billion crosses ready.
I’m not saying you said this, I’m pointing out the stupidity of punishing people for thoughts and words, not actions. More people need to learn about the Jacobins.
I probably should have been more explicit and said the kind of thinking that leads to harm of others. But, yes, who doesn’t have bad thoughts? Not me, I’m an angel…choke!..
Good old William
I’ve seen a ghost. We all did, he was our best friend. Died in a car crash. After he died the weirdest things happened.
I know what it feels like when one walks through you. He did it several times.
It’s like you get body slammed and then there’s a rush of energy going through your body.
I’ve never conclusively seen one, though I’ve struggled with oppression in some locations when I couldn’t dismiss it as a placebo effect, architectural haunting or infrasound response.
I once rented a room right at the top floor. When I walked up those stairs, the higher I got the more I got this feeling, like something was squeezing my throat.
I was petrified in that room, I slept with the light on. I didn’t live there very long.
My first impression from this would be to look at the ceiling height compared to each step on the stairs. This is what we call architectural hauntings as the geometry of the location can have profound psychological effects. As I come from a very old town, we have lots of old buildings that have warped over the centuries, some even visibly showing that glass is a very lazy liquid. These can make people uncomfortable as the angles confuse people’s schematic archetypes of familiar design.
I can’t remember that. It is at least 45 years ago. There were several stairs, floor after floor.
I just remember that the closer I got to that room, the worse I felt. When I was visiting friends we were talking about it and for some reason ended up talking about the Exorcist, particularly the second one with the locusts.
It had gotten dark and someone was turning the light on and some kind of locust like animal, probably a cricket, sat on my shoulder.
I screamed and killed it. That’s when I decided to move out fast.
It is probably completely insane, but I’m rather safe than sorry.
Well, Exorcist II: The Heretic tends to have the universal effect of making all feel uncomfortable.
I don’t think it’s that mad: If a place makes you uncomfortable, then it’s time for pastures new.
Personally, I’m the odd one who’s happy to investigate the darkest places but hates crowds.