First of all 2% could be a million drops. It is percentage based on the volume you want to create.
I have tried all the calculator apps out there and most are pretty lame in comparison to this site.
The basic set up to get you started
I apologies if this seems patronising, but I remember it can be confusing when you start so I will try and break it down.
Go to to create a new recipe.
Amount to make - how much juice do you want? if you have a 10ml
bottle then input 10.
Desired strength - how much Nicotine do you want in your juice? Never use
more than 24mg.
Water/Vodka/PGA - just ignore this for the time being until your a little more advanced.
Desired PG & Desired VG - what percentage do you like your juice to be at, if unknown leave it alone… 50/50 is fine.
Nicotine strength - when you buy Nicotine you can buy it at different ratios check your bottle and input the number i.e 100mg, 72mg, 60mg etc… be careful with this make sure it is correct.
PG or VG content of nicotine - Again when you buy Nicotine, you are normally offered a few variations. i.e a VG base or a PG base or a mix of both. check your bottle of Nicotine and input the numbers.
You should end up with something like this.

Now it is time to add some flavour…
You’ve just found a recipe you think would be great, and it looks like this.
11% Strawberry & Cream (BRAND NAME)
5% Pina Colada (BRAND NAME)
2% Vanilla (BRAND NAME)
Click the ‘Add flavour’ button 3 times, a new input box will appear each time you click it.
In the first flavour input box, Type Strawberry & Cream and a selection of flavours will appear, select which Brand you want to use. Next to that add in 11.
Now repeat that process in the other input boxes for the other flavours. so it looks like this…

Now click the ‘Save’ button
Your recipe has been saved and will display like this.

There are two columns you need to pay attention to at this point and that is either ml or drops. Pick one. ml would be more accurate, but at this stage its not important which one you use.
Now you can mix your juice.
The example above can be found at