What is the oddest recipe/juice you have ever tasted or mixed?
Red Tea for me… and I added some black currents, a touch of blackberry blossom, guanabana, and some sweet cream to sweeten it up and smooth things out… tasty, but odd to me, as I have never drank any tea that was… red!
Well according to an ex friend of mine, Ogre Ooze. He told me it was awful because it called for both A negative and O positive blood. I was very offended! After I had him for lunch I had to go pet my pony for three hours to feel o.k. again. How awful!!!
Not sure. Of course there’s the Ogre’s eat people theme there and that is followed by a dig at the snow flakes. All wrapped up in a limp wrist’d motif.
I was just thinking about @Bob_Bitchen the other day when I noticed the bottle of RFSC Fried Chicken I have sequestered away from all my other flavors for fear of contamination. I thought damn, Bob would put this to good use, I loved his crazy style, that dude just went for it
I think it was Pippa (not sure) that created a pizza recipe and I’d like to try that. I’d also like to nail down a true movie theater popcorn that’s salty. Cant say I’ve really had anything odd tho.