What Juices Can I Make?

Hi people :slight_smile:

I have entered all of the flavour concentrates I have in the STASH, and the recipes I can make according to the generator are only SINGLE FLAVOUR RECIPES.

Bit disappointed with that, so can anyone give some more advice on what I can make with the following stash?

(CAP) Sweet Strawberry
(Skittles) (FW)
10% Ethyl Maltol (TfA)
Almond Amaretto (TPA)
apple (tfa)
Bavarian Cream (FW)
Black Liquorice
Butter Pecan (FW)
CAP Vanilla Custard (v1)
Chocolate - TFA
Cinnamon (FW)
Citrus Punch
Cotton Candy ( TFA )
Creme de Menthe (TPA)
Dulce de Leche (FW)
Flavour enhancer flavor west
Gingerbread (Cap)/[TPA]
Graham Cracker (FW)
Guava (CAP/TFA)
Hazlenut fw
Honey (FW)
Lemon (tfa)
Marshmallow (FW)
menthol (tfa)
Milk (FW)
Orange Mandarin Flavor-TFA
Passion Fruit – TFA
peach (tfa)
Peanut Butter
Pink Lemonade (FW)
Rainbow sherbert (LB)
Raspberry (Cap)
Ripe Banana Flavor-TFA
Sour (FW)
Spearmint (Natural) (FW)
Sugar Cookie (FW)
TFA Black Cherry
TFA English Toffee
TFA Kentucky Bourbon
tfa watermelon candy
Waffle (FW)

Cheers peeps!

Go to “My Flavor Stash” and click on “What can I make”. Then I usually click on the ratings header to sort by highest ratings. With all that in your stash, you should have plenty of recipes to try that are more than single flavors.

Also, on the “What can I make” page you can click on “Search by flavor stash” and select only specific flavors and only pull back recipes that contain those flavors.

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One thing I notice that new people do is when adding flavors to their ‘stash’, they are just typing them in
willy-nilly, instead of typing in maybe the firs few letters of the name of a flavor, then selecting the flavoring with the most recipes. When people do that, they end up with flavoring names that are not the same as the most used flavoring names and therefore end up not having many recipes show up when clicking on ‘What Can I Make’

When entering the name of your flavor, I recommend ALWAYS selecting the name that pops up with the most recipes related in parenthesis next to it.

Hope this helps.!!


The following flavors are all named improperly (with their proper names listed after) and will greatly reduce the number of recipes that will show up in “What Can I Make”. As Alisa said, it’s important to make sure you are typing the name in correctly, using the correct convention, Flavor Name (Company), and choosing the flavor that has the most recipes (green number).

(CAP) Sweet Strawberry
–> Sweet Strawberry (Cap)
(Skittles) (FW)
–> Skittles (FW)
10% Ethyl Maltol (TfA)
–> Ethyl Maltol 10%
apple (tfa)
–> Apple (TPA)
Black Liquorice (I’m going to guess FW on this one)
–> Black Licorice (FW)
Blueberry (Also guessing FW)
–> Blueberry (FW)
CAP Vanilla Custard (v1)
–> Vanilla Custard v1 (Cap)
Chocolate - TFA
–> Chocolate (TPA)
Citrus Punch
–> Citrus Punch (Mt.Dew) (TPA)
Cotton Candy ( TFA )
–> Cotton Candy (TPA)
Flavour enhancer flavor west
–> Flavor Toner/Enhancer (FW)
Gingerbread (Cap)/[TPA] (Pick one or the other)
–> Gingerbread (Cap)
Guava (CAP/TFA) (again, one or the other)
–> Guava (Cap)
Hazlenut fw
–> Hazelnut (FW)
Lemon (tfa)
–> Lemon (TPA)
menthol (tfa) (for greatest # of recipes)
–> Menthol
Orange Mandarin Flavor-TFA
–> Orange Mandarin (TPA)
Passion Fruit – TFA
–> Passion Fruit (TPA)
peach (tfa)
–> Peach (TPA)
Peanut Butter (guessing TPA?)
–> Peanut Butter (TPA)
Ripe Banana Flavor-TFA
–> Ripe Banana (TPA)
TFA Black Cherry
–> Black Cherry (TPA)
TFA English Toffee
–> English Toffee (TPA)
TFA Kentucky Bourbon
–> Kentucky Bourbon (TPA)
tfa watermelon candy
–> Watermelon Candy (TPA)


Thank you all guys for your support here! AWESOME :slight_smile:

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