What makes a Disposable Vape flavour so good?

I partially blame the proliferation of disposables for the Australian governments recent anti vape movements. They would have found something else and certainly don’t need any encouragement to continue their aggressive stance and actions but these things certainly played right into their hands.


Well I have to agree with you on having a dim view regarding disposables but we may have differing views regarding bakeries. But then, I am the arch bakery and custard hater here. I better check Plancy’s Dictionnaire infernal (second edition) to see if my face appears there. Oh, I cited the second as the first does not have the intriguing illustrations of Hell’s residents.


Exactly, it’s just giving the anti vape brigade all the ammunition that they need. The U.K. was considering banning the things, wether they actually will remains to be seen. They are becoming “trendy” for the younger generation to be seen using which I hoped was just hype but my heart sank when I found out that my friends 16 year old son had started using them and he doesn’t even smoke. When his mother asked him why he did it he said that he wanted to look cool because all of his friends did it. This boy is intelligent and has a bright future ahead of him as a professional footballer and athlete so we are not talking about the waif and stray rebellious kind that we might expect to do something like this.


I like it because I don’t have to worry about refilling or cleaning them, just grab and go. As for the flavors of Disposable Vapes, I love fixing everything together. Once, I fixed vanilla and coffee, and it turned out amazing.


Actually they are ready to use, so there is minimum chances of errors in their composition and taste. So the e-juice ratio is perfect plus now the puff count of disposable vapes have reached 12000 puffs. So this and few more things make disposables good to go.


and i am here in the search of tobacco flavored disposables. Lucky people who love fruits :slight_smile: