What makes a Disposable Vape flavour so good?

Bit of a curious question, what make the vapers who prefer using disposable flavour better than something that is a commercial e liquid?

Part 2 of that question what is your best go to Grape and/or Watermelon flavour recipe?


I personally have never used a disposable but from what others have said the flavour is quite strong and very sweet. Not my cup of tea though I do like a strong flavour, just not a sickly sweet one.


Its not just the flavor , its the conveniance ā€¦Ill admit i have been pretty amazed at the flavor in some of these disposablesā€¦Anyone i know that uses them use them for the ease of use .

Favorite Watermelon is MF , Favorite Grape is Chemnovatic

Oh , You asked go to recipe ā€¦These 2 flavors arent go to flavors soā€¦no go to recipes , but Ill be mixing a couple in the upcoming weeks


Iā€™ve never used disposibles other than for testing purposes. Most times, the flavors are overly sweet, and some vendors seem to always including cooling, which is a big turn off.


The percentages are high real high as is sweetness as it coats your tongue. They are not that pleasant. And cooling agent is awful


I never used one, but the younger ppl at work always comment on their ā€œSweetnessā€ and ease of useā€¦ For $10 a rip- and just to toss it after is MADNESS to me.

I also donā€™t know any young ppl who mix like us catsā€¦ Losers!! Ha


I understand why there popular. High percentage of flavor and sweet? Convince, cheap and no coils to buy. Buy it. Use it up, dispose.


Well, as I have never tried a disposable, I would have to assume that the hit from a higher nicotine concentration and ā€˜cheapā€™ flavours which conjure up childhood memories work together to influence perception.

For grape and water melon recipes, I havenā€™t made either the core of a blend though I am planning to revisit some dessert wine recipes.


Agree, though they have taken half the market in Australia and most vape shops are struggling because of them, even when they are illegal to purchase. Even UBER, Tobacconistā€¦ gee even fish and chip shops sell them. Clear evidence that the imposed prescription based model failed from day one.

We have had feedback that the flavours for NEW to QUIT SMOKING prefer them, plus it is like ā€¦ like and smoke. No hassle no drama, yes there are other massive issues, like consuming huge amounts of resources and waste. They are the new cigarette butt here! Out the window they goā€¦


Nice, I will have a Old Tawny Port lolā€¦ we obviously have recipes though, always interesting to compare notes etc.


Hmm, Iā€™d be thinking of creating a base of Fig, Red Tea and Jammy Grape for a Tawny and build up from there.


When they wholesale for less than a US dollar and retail for $11 to $12 heck Iā€™d sell them to. Where I live the shops have turned into glass shops. Went to look for an RTA and had to explain what a Rebuildable was to the person behind the counter.


I think theyā€™re trying to take over the vaping scene thru all the fuckin disposablesā€¦, theyā€™re alright, but then againā€¦ They fuckin suck!!, Iā€™ve only had a couple & they did alright, but theyā€™re around $20 for a single vape??, if not more & a lot of the people that Iā€™ve heard talk about em, say tht they get some tht only last a couple days & then they quit workingā€¦, Some stores will take em back, most wonā€™t tho, as they want u 2 try it out b4 u leave, so usually if u get one itā€™s just a waste of moneyā€¦, the couple tht Iā€™ve gotten havenā€™t lasted all the way thru either so IMHOā€¦ Theyā€™re just a waste!! The previous versions of the disposables seemed like they held up better, only consā€¦, They didnā€™t ever even put out 200 fuckin hits, & they cost as much as a couple packs of cigs. Disposables ehā€¦, No Bueno!!!


Oh yes , you are rightā€¦Who wants a Banana puddimg with cooling or Skittles smfh, The Flavor though of the profiles have got real good


It seems that attempting to make one is becoming a mad challenge: Itā€™ll be interesting to se how many take on this demented quest.


We have been testing a few new recipes for this propose, and have them down to a level that is as good if not better than the better disposables flavours. Though will see as there are a couple of flavour profiles yet to complete.

More input the better :grin:


I must admit that if I quit now, and chose a disposable, having a well marketed Malate hybrid would peak my interest. The idea of a fruity blend and with a natural fruit acid hit is an epic mine to plunder.


Off-topic but, disposable are everywhere on the sidewalk. Instead of put in the garbage they throw it :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Well, I think most of us dislike seeing them more often than nitrous oxide canisters admist the general detritus.

I find it irksome too though it is easier to clean up than fibre-based cigarette filters. Although, when I smoked, Iā€™d still collect the discarded tobacco in order to blend a natural insecticide. The filters being used as tools to remove some inks through capillary action.


I have not nor ever will use disposable vapes. For one I care too much about our planet, wildlife and the environment in general, secondly I donā€™t like coolant or fruity flavours especially overly sweet ones much preferring bakeries and custards maybe with a little bit of fruit here and there, and thirdly I am fed up of seeing the wretched things carelessly discarded on pavements and grass verges because people are too lazy to dispose of them properly or recycle them if at all possible. In a world where we are trying to cut down waste etc the fact that these things are even for sale is beyond me. Sorry for the rant but this is a sore point of mine.