What Ya Vaping/Mixing Today? 2023

That is so awesome! Does it taste like the cake?


Its actually amazing! It’s like a Chocolate pound cake with chopped hazelnuts and the flavorings I mentioned above.
My Mother has already said she wants it for her birthday cake in July :yum:


Anyone know what’s up with Nut Mix (FA)? I don’t see it at BCF anymore and I need it for one particular recipe. Google fu brings me to the only reasonable US vendor and that would be Nicotine Giant. DIYFS is too expensive and the others are overseas.

Correction: DIYVaporSupply not DIYFS


As i got through some of the solo tests i decided to remix this one ss the first one was no good and it all came down to the ssa shortbread cookie. Some off notes on it above 1.5% which where not pleasant. So here is rd two for this and off the shake so much better then the first.


Something a little different for me… Well, sorta anyway.

VTA Strawberry Milk Pudding : Check cookies

2.50% Glazed Strawberries (VTA)
1.50% Milkshake Base (VTA)
1.50% Pudding Base (VTA)
5.00% Warm Custard (VTA)

Flavor total: 10.5%
Remember to rate it at: Check cookies


:+1: Oooo An all VT recipe definitely caught my interest. It definitely looks Interesting :thinking:. Just mixed it up once I try it I’ll give you my thoughts.


Threw this quick mix together and it’s actually pretty nice if you’re into the Soho/Tribeca thing. A 1-2-3 would prolly work, too. FA RY4 can get stronger with a steep, so 2% is good…personal tastes.


After learning that Harry Belafonte had passed, I decided to revisit two blends from 2021 which were inspired by his songs.


That does tempt me to rustle up a demented VT only blend


A spring cocktail concept which satisfies @McDuckie’s only VT/VTA recipes:


I’m missing a fair few of them as the small VTA section of my stash (I think I have around 30 of theirs) is mostly fruit and cocktail condiments and a few oddities other don’t do well.


That ok I have been surfin Nom Nomz to restock a few VT and they keep selling out of the stuff I want. I had a 30 of Lemon Meringue Tart in my cart yesterday and now it sold out.
:disappointed: I guess I need to start another list at DiyEjuice at least I can get some more of that Miami Vice one shot along with VT.


I always find it sensible to add a restock of core items each time you place an order. If you do it this way, even if you don’t need them now, you’ll never get close to running out. Being infamous for my love of Lovage Root, I have sections devoted to different ages and oxidations of this one flavour.

I also have countless bottles of my favourite flavours and some discontinued formulations in my mighty drawer of back-ups. It’s the safe way to avoid the ‘oh shit - I’ve fucking run-out’ moments which utterly deflate any creative inspiration.


Yippee!!! I have WF Blackcurrant and haven’t tried it yet. I also have Clotted Cream, so now I can give it a go. Thx for the upvote on the blackcurrant, I wasn’t sure how good it was.

Btw, the OG mix I made of Custard Cake Base with VC II has been sitting around for a month now and it tastes much better on the finger than it did before. However, I have plans to try it with about 6 other custards. Your version with the WF must be delicious by now.


I know it I have a minimum of 10ml of every flavor of vape train but restocking extras of my favorites is a must for me as a lot of re-sellers are discontinuing Vape Train flavors. And it just isn’t worth ordering from VT unless you are making a large order. Shipping to the states for just (1) 30ml is like 24.00.


YUM! :yum:


Cream Fresh (Panna Fresca) (FA)
Anyone know where I can find this? BCF doesn’t have it, they do have Fresh Cream (FA) wouldn’t that be the same thing?


Same thing :ok_hand:


@Rocky02852 thank you


Yes when i mixed it i mixed one then mixed another a week later and the one i havent touched is incredible. I wanted to compare it at two weeks to custard cake cap i retested at 10%. And the custard cake subbed by dtvm with wf is far superior to custard cake cap. Even it a 10% its not that great but its better then the first test. Cc cap is just something to get the most out of it you need to mix at high %’s im sure ill find a use for the 58mls of it. I might throw it in the custard cake base just to see what it does.