What Ya Vaping/Mixing Today? 2023

Thanks for tht, sry it took me a while…, but I know this is some pretty sweet stuff tho!


I mixed up another bottle of this last week and couldn’t wait to crack it open! I subbed FA Mm for SSA new MM- :yum: I think SSA mm is right up there with FA :100:


Well, I have still been adapting and refining my blends while away from the forum. Although, one of them is a wildcard named after TikTok trends (Sometimes it takes a while for me to get it but the NPC kink seemed to be an obvious result of the platform).

Warning: Those not familiar with the NPC kink may suffer from disillusionment with humanity, decreased willingness to engage with others outside of their social group, and an excessive desire to short X stock in order to ensure that such trends cease. Please remember that your home may be at risk if you do not show mild acceptance to all trending kinks.


Got 30 of these mixed up today, new new, Mostly…well Noted will be going over them middle of August. I’ve not been able to mix because sitting in the chair was hard on the fractured ribs, but 5 weeks later, I’m pretty healed up. I’ve been sitting on these waiting to mix em- :grin: so I’m feeling pretty darn accomplished!!


Oh my! I hope that it is less irksome for you now.


Yes, thank you! They are healing up nicely. 4 fractured ribs seemed like a piece of cake after aider riding accident I had about 8 years ago, I broke 10 on my left side. That one left me in the hospital for a month!


It’s good to know that you are doing well.

Sounds like you need to boost your calcium levels in order to avoid BBQ kings like @SessionDrummer eyeing you up.

Sadly I cannot relate to broken bones as it has only happened once in the past 200 years in my family: And my 2 siblings and me have all taken a car to the face more than once.


Well creating a mango cocktail got stuck in my head, so I made this.

It smells glorious but I have to wait 2 weeks to try it.

And, it gives me the chance to reuse the same Village People song:


I mentioned this blend earlier today regarding WS and menthol - I was reminded to test it… After trying a bottle which had been steeping for a month, I instantly classed it as final.

This is a robust tobacco with mint and cream notes which does encapsulate the eccentricity of pipe flakes like 1792, Sam’s Blend and Spitfire but is still a bold pressed tobacco. As there is no tonquin base to the blend - it is not an exact analogue but it captures the quirkiness of such treasured slices: I just kicked Strider off my main mod and RDA to exclusively enjoy this…


I had a sudden urge to make a blend inspired by the retired goddess and legend of Flavorah: @Smoky_Blue and her Just drops [How low to go]:

As this has Biscotti in the mix, keeping it under 45w is recommend in order for it not to dominate.


Wow, you picked two winners there. Her Just Drops is very good, and in an unexpected way IMO.


Thanks. I picked up my habit of relying on incredibly low doses to create subtle and refined vapes based on studying her (I’ll never deny credit when it is due). Then I took things lower with my high PG approach to blending (I don’t think there’s another who regularly creates vapes using 80/20, 70/30, or even 60/40 PG blends).


Testing a new ginger, clove, wormwood and molasses ale while it is still fermenting.

It is a glorious 20% powerhouse as is and will be glorious(ier) after it finishes the initial fermentation, settles, and has time to bottle mature.


WTF did I just watch??? :grimacing:


I warned you, I really warned you!

I think the lads at Internet Today may help you make sense of the latest thing young people are doing:


Would much appreciate your yeast choice as, with my country wines, the best I can do, with a purported high alcohol yeast, is around 17%


I’ve been testing out a new turbo along with my regular nutrients.

Sorry for the delay: I had to reset my main laptop in order to fix a few issues.

I have been carefully mixing it and using 27g for each 5l bottle. The feed is 1.6kg of cane sugar and 3 table spoons of Black Treacle (The most Biblical of syrups)


@Ed133 As I mentioned the most Biblical of syrups. Here is Lyle’s Black Treacle.

The text under the dead lion being a hive for bees is Samson’s Riddle from Judges 14:14 (the book which relies on rape in order to explain why the Benjaminite tribe died out - I love that book).


my very grateful thx smashie, I will give 'er a go


I’d suggest skipping the wormwood if you dislike bitterness.