What Ya Vaping/Mixing Today? 2023

@McDuckie @Ken_O_Where @big_vape just expressing my consolation on your blood sugar issue. I hope someday it can all get sorted out.


@McDuckie I’d do exactly the same mate. I’m type 2 and before I was diagnosed I never had much of a sweet tooth but now I get really bad cravings for sweet stuff. Vaping desert flavoured e liquids help to calm it down a bit, well for me anyway.


Oh no, you too? What’s up with this?


I only live a few miles from the beach. I vape accordingly :sunglasses:
(@KC111 may like this one)


I don’t know where to post this question, and I don’t want to start another thread for a simple question. Does anyone know of, or have a good recipe for a marshmallow rice crispie treat?


Then hit me up, you about 10 minutes from my house lol


I live up in the UP now so it will be awhile, when i lived in Kenosha we traveled there often. Our new modular home even came from there.

What i wouldnt give for a beef and noodles over mashed potatoes plate from Essenhaus right now… hehe


Well here I go again. I never have all the flavors but it sounded so good. Make a small mix of this and tell me how close I am. Wait at least 14 days to settle down. It may or not help @TimWV


Sadly i have few of those flavors, i hope it works out. If not shoot me a PM and ill send you some. I drive by the post office once a week on my way to the pot store.

I have been vaping on this one quite a bit and it is the best mix i have made in a long time, very accurate. One night i got really high and started getting the munchies and the only thing i could think of was Amish Crack so i just threw it together, mix it up and it was done.

Rise n Roll is spectacular, jams/jellies/preserves, pies, cakes, honey and donuts.


@Ken_O_Where I had to look that up, and DAMN !!!


If you should ever get down that way it is a must stop. The hotel is pretty decent too. Nothing is open on Sundays.


Just an fyi… I’ll be Muskie fishing in “Amish Counrty” Indiana today after work!! I’ll keep an eye out for the CRACK!




Good luck to you!


Taste testing some recent mixes, both are failures:

Butterscotch Cream Pie* :

1.00% Apple Pie (Torta Di Mele) (FA)
1.50% Butter Rum (Organic) (NF)
3.00% Butterscotch Cream Pie (WF)
0.25% Clotted Cream (SSA)
0.75% Shortbread Cookie (SSA)
0.50% Whipped Cream (SSA)

Flavor total: 7%

The Butter Rum was too much and threw the flavor off, it is a lovely Butter Rum flavor but not right for this mix. Next version ill drop it for a butterscotch to be determined. I model this after a pie from Essenhaus in Middlebury, it is a tasty mix but not like the pie i was shooting for.

Next up was the 5th version of my Lunar Pie (Banana), too much candy banana was the issue. The graham crust was just about right but it was buried under the banana. 6th version is ready to mix.

Lunar Pie (Banana) v5* :

2.00% Banana Nut Bread (TPA)
1.75% Candy Banana (FW)
0.40% Clotted Cream (SSA)
1.00% Graham Cracker (CAP)
2.25% Graham Cracker (Clear) (TPA)
1.40% Marshmallow (Gooey) (SC) (WF)
0.25% Super Sweet (Purilum)

Flavor total: 9.05%

Im vaping on a bunch of stuff, Eggnoggin’ by SD. Lemon Sponge Custard by Tree Fiddy. Amish Crack by Krazy Ginger.

And one last one that i will release as soon as i take a good picture:

Strawberry Festival 2023 - v2* :

1.50% Angel Cake (SC) (WF)
0.75% Ripe Strawberries (CAP)
1.00% Simply Cake (Purilum)
1.00% Smooth Custard (CAP)
1.25% Strawberry (Sweet) (FW)
0.75% Strawberry Cheesecake (SC) (WF)
0.20% Super Sweet (Purilum)
0.75% Whipped Cream (TPA)

Flavor total: 7.2%

My town is kind of famous, UP famous, for its strawberry farms. We have a big festival every year so both my wife and i made, hers is just a tweak of mine as she wanted it brighter and i kind of like it better, please dont tell her i said that!

That’s all folks, happy mixing!


Ya Lemon Sponge Custard…I wanted to gk heavier on custard but it would fuck up everyyjing else …


Ill tell ya what, i did a finger test after mixing and thought, “Holy shit that is horrible!” Two weeks later and it is one of the best lemon vapes ive ever had, perfectly balanced with a nice and bright lemon but not overpowering in any way.

I took one toke, set it down and made 120ml, ive been vaping it every day since. As soon as i get more Lemon Squares it will join 5 of your other mixes in my rotation. Phenomenal.


Laughing my ass off…Come on brother 2 MF flaves in that you know its gonna need time…Im honored that you mix my stuff…I have made a goal to at least make 2 complete recipes every month and release. Sometimes I get stuck on recipe hoping i can make it better then i move on and dont make public bc i forget


D00d, i went through the 30ml i made in 24 hours, the bottle im vaping on now is 3 days old. A bit of heat and the mixer and it is lovely. The problem was the angel cake is, to me, a horrible knuckle tester but absolutely lovely when vaped.


Thats right Angel Cake…I went crazy using that in a few things