Is it your first Elder Dragon? If so, I think you’re in for a treat. The airflow design is brilliance. I get flavor that’s rarely matched by others in it’s class.
I read somebody complaining on Reddit that it sucked for dripping. I guess I’d probably agree but so are a lot of little 22mm RDAs. They weren’t designed to have large juice wells. They’re perfect for squonking though. That’s all I’ve ever done with mine.
One tip I always tell people, ditch the screws it comes with. Wotofo uses combination phillips/flat sometimes and I hate them lol. The Profiles and Recurve had em too. Luckily, they can be swapped out for headless m2.5 screws. I think that’s the size, something pretty common.
As far as setting it up, it’s pretty strait forward and I always use one of the little tools it comes with…
Yes sir!! I’m kinda excited tbh. This will be my at home chill mod, so no worries on keeping massive amounts of juice in it.
Got me an Ace Hardware right down the street! I’ll keep an eye on them.
[quote=“INOIROC, post:2218, topic:251676”]
As far as setting it up, it’s pretty strait forward and I always use one of the little tools it comes with…
[/quote] Just what I wanted to hear. Delivery is only like 3 days to IL, so I’ll be ripping her by the weekend!
I use mine both dripping and recently squonking. The one thing i like about the squonking is the coils seems to stay cleaner much longer, especially in my chocolate mixes.
I hear that the Dulce de Leche Caramel (TPA) is more flavorful than the regular. And DDL (JF) is well liked as well as DDL (SSA). I have all three but haven’t put them through their paces yet, just a fyi. I don’t have the Egg Tart. I thought the Caramel Butter (WF) was weak for my tastes but the custards are without question tasty.
I always have a battle with caramel flavoring finding most either unexceptional or overbearing leaning towards burnt. Haven’t found that balance yet (for me). As soon as I saw your Karmel Kustard I had to check it out. If you reach a place where you’re satisfied with it I’d love to know how you tweaked it. Maybe just heavier on the caramels? Idk
Exactly. Im always cautious with caramel and custard as they both have the ability to mute the other. I wanted to mix this with readily available flavors but im gonna have to break out Caramel MF.
@Ken_O_Where I know what it was about the Caramel Butter (WF) now…it’s missing the (SC) I have not had good results with WF that’s not super concentrated.
Yeah, its pretty light, i had hoped that the DDL would add a bit but its just fooling around as i know exactly what percentage Caramel MF i need in it.
Let me know because I have the MF. I have an old school commercial juice with the most rich buttery flavor that it makes me crazy. It also gunks my coils but it’s worth it. I’ve been trying to duplicate that caramel since 2015, lol.
I agree to disagree lol , although some of the strengths are on par or getting better with Artificial Flaves i find that MF have a Pop to them and of course are ao much more well rounded…Do t get me wrong the flavors that companies are putting out are so much more impressive than they were 2015/16 also the steep time with newer flaves is amazing ( low) …Then again You can vape VCV1 at 6pct same day lmao. I do get what your saying though when comparing.
My biggest gripe about flavors today is the Butyric …Over the years i have become sensitive to it
Its the worst, absolute worst. Ill be discovering VSO later this week when they arrive. I have Strawberry Mute that someone sent me and it smells quite nice tho they couldnt taste it at all.
Dont get me wrong, it will take a lot more work to dethrone MF but there are some real standouts in the other, newish brands. When The Nic River went dry and had that sale i bought 3 of each MF Premium. I use them in food as much as vaping, if not more.