What's going with my recipie?

Too many flavors? Too high? No ones even reading this one. And I thought it was soo good but lately I have noticed it isn’t so flavorful??
Hold on pic is coming.


Tpa Sweetener has EM and then your adding Cotton Candy which is EM . Also you have all Vanillas and Creams and what seems to be your top note or accent ( not quite sure) is Irish Cream …The irish Cream is not going to come thru all that cream / custards / Em . Love has a choco back note to it so thatll get buried as well so i imagine ur jusy tasting a Vanilla Crramy recipe


I’m going to agree with @fidalgo_vapes aside from the Sweetener and adding cotton candy, there might be some flavors that are being canceled out. I was told when I first started mixing to have a reason and a place for every concentrate. It helped me a lot. I was adding creams with butter creams and custards and using concentrates that would just get lost in a mix, and while doing do muting other flavors. Something is getting buried in the mix, most likely the Baileys. Maybe go back to see what you can adjust or maybe leave out. Looks like a good flavor profile. Also, some concentrates contain EM, so adding more might be muting too.


Danny Likey!! Thanks @Lynda_Marie


Thx for the good replies I shall figure this one out hopefully a bit easier I have noticedn[quote=“ladycrooks, post:1, topic:263161, full:true”]
Too many flavors? Too high? No ones even reading this one. And I thought it was soo good but lately I have noticed it isn’t so flavorful??
Hold on pic is coming.


[quote=“ladycrooks, post:1, topic:263161, full:true”]
Too many flavors? Too high? No ones even reading this one. And I thought it was soo good but lately I have noticed the simplest recipes especially mine are alot better. I wanted an Irish Cream Cheesecake.


Now im looking at it, idk why the sam hell do i got 2.cheesecakes? 2 sweetener? (Cotton candy) and sweetener when i really don’t even need 1… I could’ve probably just used NY cheesecake n some V.custard. mabye some cheesecake icing (LA) n called it a night and


You could do something like this

Vanilla custard cheesecake -2%
Custard premium-1.5_~2%
Yes we cheesecake 3%
Shisha vanilla 1%
Irish cream 2-2.5%
Cream cheese icing 1%

Just a thought. Good luck! I hope you get it how you want it!


Also if you want it to really scream Baileys Cheesecake go crazy high with the Irish cream. TPA Irish Cream isn’t bad but you need to use it really high for it to stand out. My personal favorite Irish creams are VT and FLV with FA as a close second. Go for a simple cheesecake base then add the Irish cream until it stands out from the cheesecake. Here’s my version

Flavorah Irish cream @ 2% just starts to stand out against the cheesecake. I could have gone higher.


Nice, I have FA Irish Cream but have not found a use for it yet. Tried a SFT but it really didn’t grab me.