As the heading says, What’s your go to flavours to sooth bitters and astringency I’d be really interested to hear your strategies. I’m guessing sweeteners and acids. But if you could be specific that would be interesting for me.
As a side note, I’ve found some of the flavours I’ve tried have a musky drying aftertaste. I feel maybe I’ve over done it. I’ll do some experimenting. If you have any experience around that kind of stuff too I’d love to hear you.
I think I know what you mean. I’ve had a few flavors recently that were very strong and I think I just used them too high. Kinda get a dry chemical aftertaste from those.
Thanks for your feedback. It’s basically as I thought, a mixture of sweetener’s depending on preference. With a couple of surprises. Going to definitely look at the wizard juice. I was surprised that acids weren’t mentioned more. My instincts from cooking is to often go that way. Ive got a feeling it’s not as effective with vaping. In 1 particular mix it only helped a little.
I’ll keep playing, I think they’ll basically be fruit accents. Does anyone use acids for bringing bitterness levels down?
If your getting bitterness you could very well be using it over the necessary % but again that’s also not true Bc some pairings just turn a flavor “off” bad bitter or odd.
I will say my first instinct was to use a sweeter flavor like Fuji Apple 1-2 drops swish your bottle or beaker whatever your using smell it see if the profile slides one way or the other. For instance if you put Fuji Apple w/ Kentucky bourbon this can be a great pairing but too much of either one is a train wreck sometimes you gotta go a lil Toucan Sam and follow your Nose !
MTS / Smooth both round out harsh bitterness you can use a flavor w/ triacetin which is what smooth is mainly consistent of but it will yield varying results. Both of those additives can easily wipe your batch out of all its flavoring thou. Small amounts they work fine I do under 0.5
I mainly do the smell test I guess this really only work well if you’re already familiar and can gestimate the direction of the batch ( acid vs basic ) PH speaking but once your pretty comfortable working w/ certain flavor’s you tend to know which ones bring a bitterness and which ones add sweetness.
Good luck