Where do they find these people?!

:joy::laughing::grinning: Ha!

Old school. Pfffbt.

When you add Lincoln Log or Lego (pre-specialty shapes mind you) references… then you’ll have my “old school” attention! lol

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: All in fun bud!

Funny how old school is relative. grins
Although, I will say, those using the term in reference to something that’s only 10 years old need to be smacked. Lol


In my head I was comparing Nintendo 8 bit to PS4 and X box One and was betting that no one knows who Kid Icarus was and how he would get an eggplant on his head. Funny how I remembered that game with the details and all, weird. Why can’t I remember significant things, oh well…


Oh don’t feel bad man! I’m in the same boat!

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I usually buy my coils online unless I just run out suddenly and have to have one now so I went to my local vape shop and the guy seemed like he knew what he was doing and I asked for a TF-T8 coil for my TFV4 (Smok) and I didn’t need it immediately I just wanted to buy one instead of a whole pack for $28 until I tried it. Well I let it set in my box of vaping supplies for a special occasion and last night I decided to try it out. The prick gave me a TF-CLP2 which is a .35 Ohm dual Clapton coil and I would never have bought that. For my Smok I will use nothing less than TF-T3 triple coil .2Ohm but only if that’s all I could get. I would have gotten the TF-Q4 quad coil at .15Ohms. I don’t use single or double coils anymore. The Smok and Crown Uwell are the last 2 tanks I use that I don’t build my own coils and I could have even built my own coil for the Smok with the small rebuildable deck that came with it. Man that guy really pissed me off selling me that for almost $7 How do these guys stay in business ripping people off like that. He just didn’t want me to walk out without buying a coil because I had already asked him for 2 coils that he didn’t have. I guess he decided to just give me what I wanted except it wasn’t what I wanted, lol