Where do they find these people?!

I stopped into my local vape shop yesterday to grab some coils. The manager there is really competent and helpful, definitely knows his stuff (as I would expect!). But he wasn’t there and there were two people who I’m assuming are brand new. I asked for the .15 ohm tc coils for my tank and the one lady had no clue what I was taking about. She handed me a box of .5 ohm coils and I said no, I need the ni200’s that are .15 ohm. Then she hands me a box that was 1.0 ohm. Lol! Nope again. Then the guy working tries to help out, can’t find what I’m looking for, but suggests the c cell tc coils. I ask what the difference was between that and the tc coils I usually buy and he said the coils are made out of ceramic rather than kanthal… O.o Like…really? I’m not trying to sound b**chy here, but how do these people work in a vape shop and have no clue what they’re selling?! I was trying to support a local b&m while they’re still around, but having people who don’t even know their product isn’t going to do anything other than put them under faster.
Phew… Ok rant over.


Rant away sister, I already had a few rants today myself :smiling_imp:
It seems like incompetence is a job requierment in the current system.


Good on you for at least trying to support your local store. I agree that it is pretty absurd to have people working in a vape shop who know so little about vaping.


I wouldn’t call it a rant. It’s extreme disappointment. I also call this the gateway to forums and DIY.

I love talking with all vapers. I will shoot the shot for hours about DIY with anyone. But when I walk into a vape shop there is a switch that sadly gets turned on and it just isn’t my scene. I always find a person who doesn’t know what they are talking about or someone up selling.

I especially love when called bro, bra, and dude. Sure I’m coolio’vo’chillio…but I miss the days of goodmorning, hello, hi how can I help, sir, and eye contact.


My wife and I, who have been vaping almost 7 years, have been taking Saturday cruises checking out local vape stores. I’ve done some googling and found a couple lists online and I’ve found about 70 so far, and most of them are in a 25-mile radius around the house. We will occasionally plot a route that hits 3-5 of them, jump in the car and visit some until we get tired or run out of time.

We have a blast, because usually we’ll find at least one shop with a bunch of cool new stuff, or - even better - we run into someone there and just have an excellent conversation. Sometimes for hours. We have hit a few places and ended up blowing 1-2 hours in conversation. Fun times.

Rarely - only 3 times - we hit a store where the employees simply excel in maximum cluelessness. I’ve learned to recognize these and check my purchases because I got tired of bringing home stuff that I didn’t ask for. That really sucks because it almost certainly means that I did not get the stuff I asked for. I also got tired of explaining things like “Nickel Coils” or “RDA”.

My favorite was the time I asked for “an RDA with a 2-post, 4-hole Velocity deck with side airflow”. The guy’s eyes opened more and glazed over, then he tilted his head to one side, opened his mouth in a O shape, and said “Huh? Um, dude, we don’t have that. This is a vape shop.”

And, of course, they had one of the Tobeco clones on display…


I had a manager one time straight up Lie to me he said they only use the best eggplant nicotine in they’re in house juice :fearful: Needless to say I never bought anything or went back


Uhhh… Wtf. Lol!


Oh yeah that’s a true story I went in to look at different Squonk Mods ( they had a lot of mod’s ) then I started to talk to him about e-Liquid…LOL and this was a month ago it was around my birthday

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“Ok rant over.”

Fully understood rant, well deserved. But you are kind of asking a gas station attendant for for a “Decaf Double Latte, Extra Hot Breve with Non Fat Whip Cream”.


Lol! I suppose… I guess I expect more from a specialty shop than I would at a smoke shop that happens to sell vape stuff, you know? (And oh man, I’ve had some bad customer service at those smoke shops, don’t even get me started. :wink: ) I was just really surprised and disappointed at their lack of knowledge because in my experience with this particular shop, the employees have been really awesome, they all seemed to know their stuff and were always able to answer questions and explain products. Then I go in yesterday and BOTH employees seem very confused about their products.


And now I want a latte…


"Where do they find these people?!"
I don’t know but I swear someone is breeding them for either perversion or profit and they multiply like rabbits.


What’s wrong is that the stores employ people based more on their CV [worked in a few other retail stores or whatever] than their actual knowledge of the products. The Manager/owner should clear the crud out during interviews.


The last time i went to a b&m it was to complain about a faulty battery and demonstrate how the voltage was dropping almost instantly acting as if its dead even on a full charge i got 1 or two puffs and itd start fading out faster n faster. The lady had no clue how to explain it and had never seen that before. I had it for a week so i just asked if theyd exchange it but it was actually 8 days so they refused their policy is only 7 days :joy::persevere: thats when i left ego pen styles behind and got a box mod and started learning diy for everything… Oh i did more recently go in there to get a hex wrench for my aromamizer they ended up just giving me it free to keep. Havent been in since. I used to just buy kilo - cereal milk. Now i feel like when i go in there and try to say anything remotely technical they are just lost and bewildered. Glad they had a hex wrench for me tho hah


Thank you thank you thank you!!

I’m so glad to hear someone else say this. I hate this whole concept of creating a sub-culture just for the sake of having a group to identify with. It seems to have become a popular mantra over the last decade, and has permeated many different areas.

What pisses me off is: watching YouTube vape videos, where everyone that’s trying to be cool uses “blowing vapor into the camera” as a cut-scene. The irony is half (being conservative here) of those morons don’t even know the device as used in filming, but simply do it because they see everyone else doing it. /smh

You wouldn’t blow smoke/vapor into someone’s face in real day to day comings and goings, so why do it on camera. Tools.

I guess that’s why I only have a select few folks that I consider actually worth watching. Phil, Matt, Nick, and sometimes Mike seem to be the most level headed and mature of the “hordes” that make up YouTube vaping.

Edit: spelling and clarifying thoughts.


I don’t support the local shops here because they’re full of hipster douchebags who think they know what’s best for me. If you try and stand your ground, they pass you off to someone else like you’re beneath them or something. Oh yeah, they also like to blow their vape in your face. I HATE THAT.

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You know Nick does that lame blowing vape to cam for cuts too right? :smiley:

That irritates me too, or how some of them call everything “bad boy” or say “let’s dive down low” … er, your just pointing the cam down at your table, or how they hold their hand behind the device for their shitty camera to try focus - GET A BETTER CAMERA! learn how to focus manually!! … BUT … I still watch a lot of them, and enjoy their reviews. Just wish they’d drop the cliché bullshit.


Lol, yep, I do sadly. But I overlook it for him in particular (even though I wish he’d drop it) simply because he’s such a great force for advocacy, and in a prominent position (viewership-wise) that he’s actually able to (and wants to) make a difference! :wink:

We’ve all got our idiosyncrasies though. chuckles

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I just look to YouTube for Entertainment and first look. It gives me some knowledge and nuggets for the mental information bank so I can help someone else. So, I really think they are doing their part…just viewer beware (grrr still sad how they all said the siegle 213 was great until Daniel from dsjvapes did a full test…love the guy).

As for many vape shops they do their purpose as well. I can’t blame owners completely. If an owner wanted to pay me a living wage and a 401k pls Heath care I would work in one. But they don’t so they have to try and hire someone who is passionate about vaping…so in many cases the only availble person is 16-23 and needs training on how to work with a broader customer base…which isn’t always Being done.


You should have asked him if the eggplant came off of the head of Kidd Icarus…

BTW, that was an old school Nintendo pun.