Which Ejuice Calculator do YOU find easier to use?

I just screenshot (and crop) everything. For me to lose all my recipes, current & past, six things would have to fail simultaneously: ELR, computer, phone, Dropbox, external HD & MSD (both backed up weekly) :sunglasses:


At least a half a dozen times for me and from time to time it will take 5 or more minutes for a recipe to save. I usually screen cap before i hit save. But that half a dozen times in over the last near decade.


I find ELR easier to use but I like ATF coz it’s easier to add Photos, if ELR make it easier to add photos that would be tops, but when I mix I go to ELR coz I find it the easiest


To be fair, I haven’t used the VC calculator in ages so I can’t comment about how it works now. ATF is okay but is lacking for me, as in notes and flavor saving/exporting features. I like the extensive features of ELR and the fact that it always works for me, no errors, glitches. I always use the website version, not mobile.


Plain and fast to me: ELR only! :+1:t2: :joy:


Late to the party as usual but it’s ELR all the way for me. It’s a comfortable place to be like an old friend and doesn’t get messed around with much whereas ATF is just a confusing mess with their new fangled formulations etc. V.C comes second but doesn’t have the extensive flavour notes like ELR has and it’s not as easy saving individual flavours to your stash or shopping lists as it is here.


I’ve only used the ELR calculator and have been pleased with its ease of use. Because of the information and helpfulness of the folks here, this is the only mixing site I’ve ever used. I’m not as active as I once was but still appreciate everyone here.