Which Ejuice Calculator do YOU find easier to use?

@Rocky02852 asked this question in another thread, and I thought it was worthy of a poll.




Which ejuice calculator do YOU find easier to use ?? Anonymous poll, one choice only …

  • ELR
  • VCC
  • ATF
0 voters

You don’t HAVE to, but if you feel like elaborating why, or advantages/disadvantages, please feel free.


Is this a trap lol. I put my recipes on both usually but to be 100% honest i find ATF easier and quicker to use. Ill explain why.

  1. Theres been a number of times on ElR i made a recipe and hit save and it got a error deleting the whole recipe i just worked on. Happens only when using mobile for some reason. A few times because i firgot to put a name. If you do that on atf it wont save but doesnt delete all you have done allowing you to fix it and resave. Now im too scared to create a mix on elr unless i have it written down.

2The stash. To add stash on ATF i dont have to search and open each flavor to add it. I just have to hit the checkmark on a list of flavors. So much quicker with no load time.

3 photo uploading is a simple upload button on ATF where as on ELR i need to upload it to giphy then go get the link and paste it. Also i like that when looking through my recipes the picture is next to each recipe

4 sharing on fb. Looks a bit cleaner with a nice big photo

Things i like on ELR is new flavors get added much quicker. All in all im happy for having them both and use both. As far as creating the recipe i find them about equal. Sometimes ATF can be a lil annoying with the formulations.


Interesting points @STR8V8PING. I’ve never had ELR erase any info during a failed recipe save, but get a red header warning, correct it, save it done, BUT, I never mix via mobile, so maybe that’s that ONE issue, not sure. Thank you.


I cant stand new ATF , I just stsrted using it then they changed…I am not great with change especially of it had to do with software, computers and the like


Ahhh SHITZ0RZ, I should have included Hot Rod’s stand alone calc. DUH. Sorry. Poll running no changing…


Yea it usually lets me correct it if i do it on pc but on mobile it erases all the data. Usually with some error about nic even though it looked right


What about the OG . Ejuicemeup


I chose ELR because my stash is more up to date here and flavor concentrate notes are more extensive, but it’s a toss up between ELR and VCC, both are super easy to use and allow the use of user defined flavors and easier to adapt / mix others recipes. I do repost recipes over on ATF but never mix there and since they updated it, it’s quite frankly just a pita


Oh yes thats the greatest thing about ELR that blows ATF away . ThE flavor notes


Yeah, I thought about the “other” choices too late. For now, we’ll let it run, for “on-line” calcs.



I know you are lol. Thats what makes me spend 10x the amount of time on ELR then i do on ATF.

Another think i do like on ATF though is that my recipes get favs likes and reviews and sometimes trending. Cool little feature. On ELR my recipes dont get seen much


I guess I SCREWED UP my own Poll, as I did limit it to ONE response. I find ELR and VCC to be equally easy to use, and as mentioned above, the amount of flavor notes here (I post mine to the VCC as well), and “Most Used With” can spur (sometimes) faster creation.

Also as mentioned above, having to ALWAYS us IMGUR for the one box previews at ELR IS a pain. On the VCC you upload the one box image, BUT, any body images still need to be hosted elsewhere.

Layout wise, the VCC is much better (but complicated when learning) with formatting options, etc.

I barely use ATF, and I’ve heard the new version is not better.


Have always used ELR’s calculator it is the most familiar to me. Been using it for so long it just clicks. Always felt ATF’s site was full of stick in mud posters. Probably why it failed in the first place and since Flavorah took over it’s too restricted.


I didnt even know what vcc was til this post. How have i never seen it before


It’s in the UK, so maybe that’s why ? Grubby did a shit ton of coding and work on the VCC (Vaping Community Calculator), and UNLIKE ELR, it’s a CLOSED DATABASE. You CAN use “User Defined” flavors, but they are NOT injected into the database.

Now BEFORE this looks like some self aggrandizing-ness, it’s not. I’m NOT the Number 1 Mixologist, I just uploaded ALL of SmokyBlue’s recipes there, so it inflated my count. The layout is clean, and top recipes are tracked like on other sites …

The user area is laid out well too …

And forums …


That looks pretty cool. Ill check it out


ELR 100%. I messed around at ATF for a tiny bit, but I’m good with what we have here. Do they even have a forum?!?!


I’ve always used ELR, it’s comfortable. I’ve tried others but can’t be bothered to learn them.

How many of you remember to download your recipes in excel. All things end and at some point so will this site.


@natbone brought up a GREAT POINT here ^^ …