What’s a good way to find out if a flavor is naturally sweet i. e. Doesn’t require additional sweetener?
Any flavor is going to be a little sweet since the carriers are sweet, but it’s pretty much trial and error. If a flavor has any kind of candy, caramel, or sweet in the name, chances are it will be sweet. But that isn’t the case 100% of the time. You can try checking a flavors notes on ELR. People will sometimes say in their notes if something is particularly sweet. And if you’re wanting extra sweet juice you can always add sweetener or do a search for “sweet juice” here.
Edit: sorry, foggy midnight brain. Just noticed you said that DIDNT require extra sweetener. I haven’t really found the need to sweeten anything and don’t even have any sweetener or super sweet. Sometimes I’ll use a little marshmallow. That’s just me though.
I find a good way is to shot glass test the flavour.
2ml of water to 1 drop of flavouring and taste it.
Swill it around in your mouth and spit it out into a spittoon.
Then taste the residual flavour.
I’ve found some apples and some berry flavours may require some sweetener to take of the sourness if you don’t like the sour notes.